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    To me it felt like they were aimlessly wandering to fill out time and didn't really have an ending in mind until the last second they were like 'damn, we got to wrap this up'.
    To me at least, that seemed like the cause for the lack of energy. The final two episodes just had a going through the motions feel with no

    Meh not worried about it. 8 episodes a season means every episode will have to have meaning and not play a filler. Plus with 8 a year it would indicate to me that there is a definitive conclusion to the series but like BB they figured they could draw it out an extra season with the material of two.

    Have to disagree. He was telling her that he knows she was trying to charm him and use her "skills" and that it was not going to work with him because his dick will never let her T&A do the talking.

    And yet no one is forcing you to watch it … hmmmm. I guess a CBS sitcom is more your ride with the laugh track and all.

    This season started strong, ended pretty decent but the middle was just disjointed tot he point of not really having the Archer vibe. I think if they can get away from the Hollywood starlet, PI gumshoe angle they can get back on track. Having the characters back in espionage allows for so much more.

    Hell Yes!!!! Now lets see them get back to their roots and hopefully dump the whole LA PI gig that just lagged and really served little purpose. With 8 episodes a season I think will do them good because the plots will have to be developed and concise without too much wiggle room to add filler space.

    The old dorm room effect. I bet compasses are all skewed to hell come that time with all the iron running down the drains.

    The thing is that pretty much all the characters on the show are racists and have their affiliated gangs, prejudices etc. So no it wasn't surprising, just sort of lazy writing to me pandering to current events for the simple viewer.

    Or that when you bottom dollar someone they will take little care for their job and do what they want or just enough to get by.

    I love how Piscatella puts Piper in her place when he tells
    her he has had two beards, the one on his face and the one he took to prom. He
    will never find her adorable. That the women will not be able to use their T
    & A to curry favor or use as a weapon of manipulation, a nice change from
    the think with your dick first

    I never really cared for anything she was in prior to VEEP. I think she got pigeon holed in sitcoms where you had to walk on egg shells as to not offend anyone which can really stifle one's acting abilities.

    I think what the show has made clear is that regardless of party affiliation both sides are one in the same, putrid, self absorbed back handed habitual liars. Whether you be the stereotypical Republican or the Limousine Liberal hiding under the guise of caring about the common person.

    I remember these guys from the League. A show that started with a bang and ended on a sad sad whimper. So if the show survives longer than a season I would expect much the same.

    You know Dan, and most of the staff, have such a low opinion of her which makes it even more hilarious.

    So if Selina were to change her hair style, the look a like would be required to do so also. That my friend is not for me where someone else could literally decide what I look like.

    No, please God no.

    Maybe the show jumps ahead a few years next season.

    I selfishly felt for myself because as much as that administration had zero business in the White House it would have been hilarious to watch her screw up left and right as a legit prez.

    The episode ended perfectly with Ben rearranging all the books, such a mischievous, childish thing to do and I loved it. But for me the line of the episode goes to …..

    The show has gone to great length to show the vast majority of the guards do not do their job properly and abuse their power or show little to no respect and are for all intents sub intelligent. Any respect given has come with a motive, often being of a sexual nature. That plot device was not done by accident and I'm