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    I just have my doubts given the nature of the script form past seasons and the overall mentality that most viewers want to see. I'm trying to watch one episode at a time to follow along with reviews so like you said "we'll see".

    I did love her counter though. And how she tried to assure him she would never crawl through a tunnel of dookie to get out.

    It's a nice change form the think with your penis mentality the guards have had so far in the series. But we all know how this show operates and he will be villanized before too long. This show is centered on the guards being the antagonists and the inmates being the victims so it probably wont last long that he is a

    I think part of it is the writers having difficulty coming up with cultural references that would fit with the time era of when these women would have been exposed to them and also keeping the younger viewers on track. Most millennials wont understand or appreciate a reference that is more than 5 years old as I have

    But now God opened a window …

    Yeah that was definitely a tarnished part. I was hoping he chose her partly because of the job fair and the fact that she can show competence when given the chance and right direction. Either way her banter was the highlight for me and I could watch an entire episode of her and Caputo going back and forth, especially

    I was going out to get a few drinks with a friend of mine, We were about 15 min out when he realized he forgot his phone and I told him so what. He was driving so we turned back, count that 45 min now with the detour to get his phone. And then he just sat there mindlessly looking at nothing. Suffice to say I was

    Exactly, the show has discussed the revolving door system if inmates not being able in adjusting to civilian life and going back to jail, but it would be nice to see a potential success story of someone getting out and getting their life back in order instead if just going back tot heir abusive, druggie

    Although it is both hilarious and sad to see a millennial now try to understand the concept of not having the internet or a smart phone fused to your palm every waking moment. I seriously watched one hyperventilate form a panic attack when her cell battery was almost dead. Oh and what was so pressing she needed her

    Because it was/is the chic thing to do, and if the reviewer says so then people feel obliged to follow suit. Much like how the reviewer and no one else will call out Soso for her racist approach to Pousey and instead turned it into a distraction technique of "she was construing her own reality". Now had Soso been a

    Hands down Taystee is the MVP of this episode. From the moment her name is announced over the speakers "Who's Tasha? Oh Taysetee? Taystee come down to the Warden's office" to her initial meeting with Caputo

    If that's what help you sleep at night you can keep believing it.

    I have come across your reviews from previous shows and simply forgot you were the lead on this one given the time gap from season to season. It wasn't until I read most of the review and begin to see the similarities that I looked at the author name. It's nothing personal as I do not know you.
    I just don't much gel

    Yeah, you can too.

    In all reality that girl would have gotten shanked by now.

    I had high enough hopes to read reviews for the show and then saw that McNutt was the reviewer so that killed it. I figured, alright, give it another shot, different show maybe a change of scenery. Sadly no, and the disclaimer to not give spoiler alerts was not followed by the reviewer in the stray observations. Why

    The show is more enjoyable when Piper is off the screen.

    Yeah I found her pretty dull.

    I will agree with the reviewer, this episode did lack a fluid energy. I think the Minna character took a lot of the energy away as her presence just seemed out of place from the start, at least for me personally. Selina is only protective of Catherine because she has something to lose in the process. Much like the

    For the one person on earth who does not watch GOT, what does that mean?