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    You would think,. live ratings cannot be the standard as too many people can stream or record for later viewing etc. They have to know that a lot of people are still watching, and this finale has the set up of another season long arc

    This episode felt like a moment of, 'hey we need to wrap this up' but at least the ending had a nice little payoff.

    What I meant was when people know there has been a personnel change, even if unconsciously they will think it has come down a bit. Someone who watches and remains unaware more often wont notice such a change or appreciate it to the point of criticism. This is year 4 or 5? Those are the critical years for a show as

    tail end of the episode setting it up for a larger story arc in future episodes. So yeah, they'll lean on such a BORING character

    last week the uncle called Jonah a "walking trisomy".

    yeah but other than handing messages over to Selina what else is there to do at the moment? I agree but the show is already trying to shove too many characters in as it is. If they can get away from the campaign next season and back to the day to day of the president I bet she has more of a presence. Is the actress

    and … Clinton and Sanders on the ticket. Be honest, all three are caricatures.

    I'll agree Bob's Burgers has had a bit of a drop off this season, same with Archer as this feels sort of like a filler season for a transitional period by moving to LA.. Having the network constantly juggle/rearrange/preempt the show has not helped matters either as far as flow goes. Still a good show but yes less

    I think that has more to do with it than anything. People get emotionally and psychologically attached to a core person (s) on a show and when they get replaced nothing is ever as good as it once was. I make a point to never know those details until after a show is complete, and like you said, if you were unaware

    Other than it being a cliche storyline the problem is that they chose two of the most boring and one dimensional characters to lean on. It's like asking for a pair of Ben Steins to lead the show and instill some interest.

    That video would probably sell pretty high on the internet once it was liked up with the prez

    I love the poor editing of Jonah trying to split wood going from a
    massive fail straight to the perfect split, then a guy in the focus
    group only concerned that the split wont burn correctly. I was hoping to
    see another tirade form the uncle, especially calling him a walking
    trisomy again.

    Yeah, don;t you think that core groups would have been aware that his prison tern got turned over on appeal?

    I love the poor editing of Jonah trying to split wood going from a massive fail straight to the perfect split, then a guy in the focus group only concerned that the split wont burn correctly. I was hoping to see another tirade form the uncle, especially calling him a walking trisomy again.

    Archer - "Unless you're down for road head"
    Pam - "Shotgun!!" followed by "And I was the road headie!" LOVE PAM

    I loved uncle Jeff - "Now you listen to me you walking trisomy!"


    Jonah had the line of the episode "I'm a MRSA infection you don't get rid of Jonah Ryan!"

    HA HA how can anybody not love Teddy?!?

    Exactly, it wasn;t so much that Archer had an objection of the actions so much as Slater is associated with CIA and therefore the CIA as a whole is wrong by association. Had the reviewer actually paid attention to any of the previous seasons he would have known that without having to write a moral thesis and push a