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    "a long rant that’s heavy on historical facts but light on jokes. MK
    Ultra is fascinating stuff, but Sterling Archer isn’t necessarily the
    moral authority I want rattling off its crimes" —

    True with Richard, he only gets second nod because he hasn't been around as long. One thing that always makes me laugh is Mike's job is to lie for a living and he is the worst liar there is.

    Not shocking, these reviewers often miss the mark and decide to interpret whatever is needed to fit their own personal perceptions.

    I was going to say the blood from orphans with their tears adding a hint of desperation to her martinis.

    That soap box went on far too long ….

    I would say Gary is the most well meaning and loyal of them all.

    I am actually surprised the reviewer made no mention of the line below. Typically anything that could be construed as a racist moment, they jump all over that like a rabid dog.

    No I disagree, by being a sociopath she was in every form being a professional politician. Nothing about her is genuine, even in her personal life.

    Shame she wasted so much time pigeon holed on Seinfeld and not truly spreading her acting wings earlier.

    I don;t claim to know the subtle ins and out of the religious community, but losing the surrogate over the DNR seemed odd. Wouldn't maintaining artificial life support be playing God and be deemed more offensive than letting nature take its course?

    Not sure why everyone on this board has had such a traumatic experience with horses. I don't recall ever really having a hard time with them when I was a kid.

    Anyone else get the Veronica Willy Wonka vibe when Tammy wanted an imaginary horse and her dad immediately starts searching onhis phone for one?

    Observations for the reviewer.

    Jerrico - No you're the imaginary one!

    Loved the back and forth in this episode. Especially the archeology crack

    The voice actor George Coe died, so I think they just had the character disappear.

    Mallory walking away after hearing of the guys' strip club plans: "Send my regards to all the molestees".

    Ahhh, Woodhouse's poor eyes.

    Well … she didn't know she was going to get called up to the show.

    The back and forth between the males and females when discussing bets on seduction and each proclaiming they were going to cut the other group out was hilarious.