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    yeah her perky, new love interest every third episode is getting tiring.

    Ideally this is the end of the Megan Fox era, AKA the dark ages.

    King of the Hill had the best one with the guys pimping their couch and then crying when it was taken away. Almost wish they would have kept the couch around a season or two just to get more attached and see what else they did to it.

    The plothad a novel idea but just seemed to be lacking real energy or payoff. I would give this episode a C at best, hope for a rebound next week.

    I personally think that women should have to register for the draft. If you want equality, you have to accept the undesirable parts of it also.

    I'll give you that.

    SO HE IS REAL!?!?!

    What is everyones' favorite and least favorite episode form each season?

    To me it was just uneven and over all sort of boring. There was a lot of potential but it just never really got there for me.

    To me Community was one of those shows that just sort of droned on and I just stopped watching. Sure they had some good episodes but over all I just lost interest.

    weakest episode of the series, which also demonstrates just how good the series has been.

    Same, except 30.

    And there's the door back to the land of run of the mill sitcoms where they hug it out and the laugh track is loud and clear.

    I agree, season one was awesome cover to cover, season two has a few drop offs but still high quality. Like you said, hopefully season three is not rushed and we don;t have to send Jerry off to Jerry Care because he threatened to tell Beth.

    AWESOME!!! Just hope Harmon doesn't break his arm jerking himself off!

    Wife gets mad and husband cowers like a puss? Check
    Wife goes back to work and get's empty nest/mommy depressed? Check.
    Kids are too dependent on parents even in adulthood? Check.

    The Claire stoyline was move believable because she has always been a control freak and the thought of her not being able to do it all and be in control of it all would drive her insane. Also Phil has always been more attached to being active with the kids and when he is suddenly ousted as the parent to go to he would

    Yeah see my comment above. It's something sitcoms rely too heavily on rather than adapting and letting them become independent character sof their own. Maybe it's because I have been on my own since I was 17, but the whole adult dependent on mommy thing always sickens me because I find it as a source of weakness and

    They rely too heavily on the whole, "the wife is always right, happy wife happy life, and the husband is a bumbling dork who can't survive without the wife taking care of him".

    The kids are an enigma and the show has no idea what to do with them.
    The only child who has become less annoying as they age is Haley oddly enough as she was extremely annoying as a brain dead moron through first year of college. The Luke/Manny and Alex characters should have an extended absence from the show since