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    Will probably go to some run of the mill sitcom or an actor/actress to preserve PC nonsense.

    I have appreciated that while we do see glimpses of the Galifianakis stereotype acting that made him popular, he has kept it mostly at bay and has not fallen for the slap stick persona. The development of Chip and how he swings from eerie calmness to fly off the handle but yet acts the inverse for the situation is

    Mac has banged a lot of women on the show but they hinted at it early on and then flat out stated it after the Mac bangs the waitress episode.

    Well to be honest, my experience with being around a "pick up artist" is that it has more to do wit their ego of being the man. It's sort of like the girl who thinks and knows she can go out and screw any guy she wants merely by suggesting it, or the ones who show up at the door and just expect any guy to fall into

    I love how the gang acknowledges their alcoholism by all agreeing they need to drink mouth wash to stave off the shakes. This comes back from when the gang gets quarantined, and I enjoy how they bring back subtle parts from previous episodes and have some continuity. And the fact that Charlie sees orange juice only

    Mama Baskets alternated between giving Martha the death glare for trying to take Chip away to loving her for helping out and being there.

    I half expected the twins to stand mama Baskets up. And then they take off on her so half right expectations.

    I actually laughed the hardest with the middle ages group where it became so routine they just drove them out to the country first and then Dennis as an afterthought pulls out the gun. The Dee "you know the drill".

    I loved Mac "We need to serve an irresponsible amount of booze to people with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism"

    Meh. I'm sure if it was the other way around you would celebrate them. Sort of like how people would always celebrate Jon Stewart and claim he was "balanced and fair". In the end these comedy types will just latch onto whatever low hanging fruit they can pluck the easiest.

    1. Daddy issues
    2. You have not watched a lot of TV if Hank tops your list.

    And the fact that even after everything, he still has his honor and only ties the record because that was how it was legitimately done.

    Bobby, if you weren't my son, I would hug you.

    Hands down Dale was the best character of the show.

    Agree 100%, while the Jess character can wear thin sometimes the whole Megan Fox experiment is just terrible. The whole Nick drooling over her thing got old less than halfway through the first episode.

    Wine in general = who gives a s%^&!?

    Meh, just not interesting anymore.

    Mama baskets is stone cold, and I love it. This tells a lot about Penelope to learn she is a trust fund baby while she lounges about nickle and dimming Chip in the process. One thing is for sure, the facial expressions Louis Andersen gave throughout the show said more than any words ever could,

    The thing with MF is they didn't know what to do with the kids when they grew up. They all just hand around existing. The Middle, on the other hand, has actually expanded their plots to include the college life and have the kids exist without the parents etc. Having Hailey, a 20ish girl hanging out with her uncles and

    She can leave, show is better without her character on screen.