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    I'm itching for people to stop using the word "trope" in most of their comments.

    The best joke of the night was when they were leaving the courtroom and the judge started announcing the next case.

    No. Now draw monkeys draw!!

    I think I'll have to check out for the duration of Megan Fox's tenure, check in when she's gone. Skipping them seems like the best way.

    Either way, Fiona has shown that she only contacts him when she needs or wants something. Frankly if it was me, she would have never gotten a phone call back, and if anything she would come to me at my convenience.

    Well for starters as a "minority" myself, no I really don;t care because I don;t feel the need for hollow representation to make myself feel good. Also you sound angry that Gene is not gay etc, which to me is just as bad if someone shared their displeasure if he was gay etc. undoubtedly which you would have panned

    People are also conveniently over looking that Gus asked her to have his grandmother's ring, and when her got there Fiona gave him a story about it being in a safety deposit box and she would "get it to him later". I would not have signed the papers either. She only contacts him when she wants something, so what's to

    I personally loved "NO lights, no fries. You know this kind of makes me want to loot you".

    why is it an issue to begin with? Does every show have to have their token gay character to tow the line for "representation"?

    Or a really long and drawn out set up that just meanders into nothingness lol

    McFarland has become the Dane Cook of animated comedy. Most people in public will bash him, but he is their dirty little secret OR were singing his praises a few years back.

    Svetlana is good in small doses but would quickly tire if she were given a lot of screen time. And again, am I the only one more concerned with the fate of Yanis's dogs than Yanis himself?

    I'm pretty confident he intended t sign the papers, but when he showed up and she gave him the line about not having it but rather in a bank, he interpreted that as a "fuck you, I only want you for things I need" and decided he wasn;t going to play that game. If he signed the papers, she would have no reason to give

    Yeah, when Kevin mentioned bouncer I thought Nick might get the part.

    I think he planned to sign the papers initially, but when she did not have the ring he took it as a sign that she only comes to him when she needs something and his wants or needs are obsolete. Had she given him the ring, I imagine he would have signed the papers and walk away.

    I know it is the popular sentiment on this board, and I will join in it too. I am glad Fiona went through with the abortion. Personal beliefs and anyone elses' politics aside I think this was the right move for the character and the show. Even in real life that would have been the right move. Now, incorporate some

    Not going to lie, this one was a bit of a miss for me. It had a few good gags, especially Teddy telling the distributor that Bob was desperate and would pay anything. But overall, meh. I'll have to watch it again and see if it was just because I was tired in that it didn;t have much affect on me. I think it also has

    yeah Friends was a pretty cruel retaliation.

    VEEP is the only show about politics I can stomach because it is rooted in comedy and so far has refrained from becoming a hyper partisan outlet for either real party. The cast embodies everything I hate about politics and allows me to laugh at the tools who are actually in those shoes in real life.

    The Bernadette and Howard marriage is such a bad combination. In truth if there was any reality they would be the couple getting divorced sooner than later. I would also see Leonard and Penny splitting.