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    Are you talking about the out of your league one? Yeah it had potential but was really wasted through poor execution and trying far too hard to make his family insufferable.

    While this episode had fewer laugh out loud moments it was still good enough to carry about the over all suffocation Chip is feeling. He is a fish without a bowl and his surroundings not only aggravate him but serve as a constant reminder of what could have been and where he failed.

    I have tried watching MSW, just cannot get into it.

    The less Alex and her sanctimonious know it all lack of a personality the better.

    Agree with you on Claire and her domineering micro managing, disagree with Gloria, she is annoying and needs less screen time.

    I for one have enjoyed this season. Had they just spent every episode in the bar trying to over yell one or the other it would have gotten stale.

    which is why I never watch the shows live. This episode in particular would have been a bummer with all the interruptions for soap and car insurance during the mania.

    Must be that whole racism thing they keep complaining about with the Oscars. Oh wait …. that card doesn't play in this scenario.

    Of course it was an off day, he was coming off a bender, awoken suddenly and was coming down from the booze and drugs, then needed uppers. Am I the only one who understood this? Am I the only one who was ever thrust into a day of chaos aftera heavy night of drinking?

    I love how they called back to Frank's Little Beauties when he says "Throw me int he trash" and yes, he is going to get weird with he remaining years. Just glad the show hasn;t tried to get sentimental or redeeming with the characters, just continues to spiral them into the pits of hell.

    Your roommate sounds like a hipster trying way too hard to maintain the appearance that he doesn;t care.

    I rather enjoyed the episode, and the fact that Frank was awoken from a hard bender only adds to the mania and confusion. The fact that he spirals into disaster trying to compensate for his hung over state only adds to it. I wouldn;t see this as he is senile all the time, if anyone had ever been stirred after a huge

    And once again Gene Belcher and Kumar take the lead!!

    And the fact that Nick basically said she could bang people (Nick) in her bed. Yeah … gross.

    The Megan Fox experiment was a swing and a miss, can we move on from it already?

    McNut has no clue when it comes to social media or how a photo like that would spread like wild fire. He has tried repeatedly to apply his experiences to the entire world too often on these reviews.

    Frank did mention to Carl at one point a season or two ago that soon he would knock up his first ghetto girl and truly be a Gallagher.

    Well, what can I say …? As I said last week, very few shows will actually leave their set behind and start fresh. Wheter it be a house or job etc. Like they did with Weeds before it puttered out in its final season, the change of scenery actually boosted the plot and character development when they moved from location

    You are beyond missing the point, and I will not spoon feed you if you choose to be so willfully ignorant.

    As for why she got the national attention and continues to do so even though her racing skills as subpar. Yes, because she was a female in racing is why she became popular.
    Deny it all you want but the truth is if she were a male no one would have a clue who she is based on performance.