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    It was southern TX with a strong Hispanic population, I think it's just the way down there.

    I went to a coworkers party and when asked, they told me to bring coke and lemons. So I bought a case of coke and a bag of lemons. Turns out I was supposed to bring Limes and Pepsi, but I should have known that according to them.

    Colbert is an idiot. I will admit I have never watched Seth Myers but given the genre he is coming from they both need to be taken off the air.

    Meh, for me it was more of a joke than anything. The only reason why anyone outside of hardcore racing enthusiasts knows who she is, is because of her gender. If she were male, given her record she would be passably noticed if at all.

    Yeah, I'm from MN, called pop. Western Wisc, it's pop. I moved to Tx for work, no one knew what I was talking about, same with St. Louis.

    Nothing like having two females caught up in a cat fight and dragging you in the middle of it.

    What is your take on the South Park version? I honestly thought Sunny's take was better, probably because they don;t go the sentimental route or the cheesy good guys win, nerd/sweet/kind guy gets the girl and the bad guy always loses trap that every 80's movie fell into.

    That was supposed to display his ever slipping grip on sanity. Of course for normal Mac, that would have been a step too far. But Shining suburban Mac this was his way.

    All the while rubbing his hands together menacingly whispering "Good … good …"

    What i have noticed with people complaining is they say that the gang needs to get back to basics, or like the reviewer bemoans the lack of the bar. These same people would also complain that the show never goes out on a limb or shakes things up if the cast did just tick with the basics.

    I like to pretend that I have the power to just wave my hand and cause the cars in front of me to flip off the road and out of my way.

    You need to unclench

    I asked last week when Chip would start to branch out and sure enough he wants to get an add out. So looks like we are right on schedule.

    And when they go back to basics, the same reviewer and the same people will complain that they don't go out on a limb or shake things up ever. Is it the best season? No but at least it isn;t as redundant as it could be if they never left their fishbowl that is the bar.

    And don;t read the reviews as they are a waste of time. That and the writer for the Shameless reviews.

    LOL loved the Mac and Dennis scenes as they both slowly lost their grip on sanity. Stephen King must have been a guest writer.

    I still really liked Doug up until the east coast. There his character had little to no purpose. I still laugh every time I see the letter he sent the ex wife where it looked like they were doing a suicide ala Shawshank only to have him jacking off while doing erotic asphyxiation.

    Read the first sentence of this review and that was all I need to skip past the rest and go to the comments. If the reviewer cannot understand the facts of social interaction and views of the portrayed decade and separate them from her views for today then I wont bother to read any further.

    Yeah, really disappointed with how the Shane character ended. When he was scamming all the loans and even up to the point of joining the police I thought there would be some potential, but then they just made him a sad, I guess alcoholic cop with a very bad moustache. The kid had the body and voice of a twelve year

    if ti means the end of the hipsters I can live with it. My God that would be terrible having to be around hipsters all day.