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    Agree, I stopped reading this guy's reviews a while back when it became apparent he was more concerned with telling the reader what to like or how to think while preserving his own image.

    I would be able to listen to the Helen character yak on about feminist what the hell ever for about zero seconds. Man if there was ever a character that needed a sock shoved in their mouth to shut them up, it's her. I couldn't imagine paying for my kid to waste time in a class like her's. Also why is it every time a

    Yeah, when it comes to putting the yuppie and/or hipster int heir place … I am an asshole. No denying that.

    In only two episodes, mama Baskets is becoming my favorite character.

    I honestly did not find a thing funny about the character in this show. To be honest, I didn;t know who he was, had to look him up since he is supposedly well known among st everyone else on this board.

    Dennis summed it up perfectly, most art is shit. I know it is subjective and what not, but in this subjective opinion, most art I see in galleries is shit.
    I can appreciate art that a child cannot replicate, however most that I see is garbage that looks like an 8 year old epileptic made. I remember when I was in

    Yep, different strokes for different folks I guess.

    Having Jess sequestered on jury duty was a simple yet intelligent way of getting her character off screen for a while without it being too sitcom of a plot.

    Jame the who? I saw a preview for that and it looked like a silly wanna be dramedy/ sitcom with maybe a season or two worth of plot device.

    Anyone else get the feeling that this revamp will live more out of nostalgia than quality?

    I'll take more Frank any day than more of Fiona's stupid love triangle. Although by this point it's more like a hexagon. Her 'I love the bad boys but can;t figure out why they all become losers and are so sucky' nonsense was better left in season 5 where it belonged.

    Fuck Gus? Fiona deserved it. She gets married and immediately hops into bed with other men, then just runs off when things get too hard. My wife double crossed me a song in public would be the least of her worries.

    No their cousin or uncle or who ever owns the house. In a past season when the grandma dies he tried to evict them and Carl I believe basically poisoned him.

    She is being an arrogant teenager who thinks she has all the answers. She is intoxicated with the so called fun parts of having a baby and refuses to acknowledge the reality of what having a kid means, especially if you cannot dump it off on someone.

    True, but out weak society has allowed teenagers to teenage, run the show and be the self centered fools they are.

    No but it is a more subtle push out through increased rent, property taxes etc until the people can no longer afford to be there.

    Started off as a comedy but has gone the way of drama as the plots and characters have evolved. Can only find humor over poverty and the general shennanigans for so long.

    Yeah that part was just weak. First off having that many teachers buying the guns but then nothing happen when so many pull them. Could have done without those scenes.

    I think Fiona being pregnant and Jimmy/Steve possibly being the father is a segue into him coming back. After his first diappearence, his return for the most part was pointless to the plot and I figured there had to be some kind of build up. Unless there was a contract issue with the actor I am unaware of.

    I loved the speech Fiona gave Debbie about not supporting her at all. Debbie is only seeing the fun side (if there is such a thing) of babies, the cute dress ups, the play time etc. I think she expects every one to chip in and help her raise the kid, Fiona especially. When Fiona told her she would not change a diaper,