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    Agree 100%

    I honestly forgot how much I enjoyed this episode. This was still a time when the visual gags and jokes flowed a little more fluidly or were more subtle to get the laughs. I watched a new episode recently and I was saddened at how much they try to force the jokes or visual gags now. Even the voice actors don;t seem to

    One thing I noticed after spending time in Europe was that Europeans in media tolerate sex and nudity far more than violence whereas in the USA it's the opposite.

    That's what I was expecting too. I was also expecting Charlie to be holding two beers at the beginning on that final race instead of poles since that's how he got his chops.

    I found it to be more in line with the 80's style of the underdog always getting the girl way out of his league/ 80's everyone screws anyone scenerio.

    Probably the funnies line of the show was Charlie "Yeah I should probably go to the hospital too, with Tatiana being a hooker".

    It was an okay start for a black comedy, they were setting the table for future story lines and character introduction so overall impression is still undecided. I just hope Zach G. doesn;t fall back into his Hangover character because I think that would ruin the premise the show looks like it wants to build.

    Okay, because I was watching and convinced the mom was indeed a man, but I could not put my finger on it.

    I tried watching this show last year, could not get into it. Figured maybe it was just a bad start. Tried again, still not my thing.

    Sometimes the Jess character can be a bit much. Her character tries so hard sometimes it actually takes away from the show. A little hiatus for the pregnancy might be a good refresher for the show. Nothing against the actress or character, just time for a breather.

    The holidays and NFL scheduling is what's killing the airing

    Okay, believe what you want.

    For this show it was. Given the character development and the drive he had in earlier seasons it was like the writers decided they needed to keep him around somehow and using the histroy of the mom, it was the most convenient, otherwise given hos previous state he would never stick around.
    Don;t take it too personally,

    TBH no I haven't had anyone ask me about AWAKE although it did come up during a conference once. As far as Jessica Jones I have never heard of it, but Sufentanil for an epidural would be supplemental not the primary drug so lol, cursory research first huh?

    Not reading the comment or review because of time constraints to watch. But is it worth the watch?

    While I agree that scene was off putting, after reading the rest of the comments on this board I noticed how no one mentions that Fiona essentially did the same thing at the end of the episode. I suppose since she is female it was supposed to be sexy and I guess double standards are acceptable to most.

    I liked the Ian character better when he had some drive and ambition. I think the mental health issues were low hanging fruit for the writers to exploit when they realized they needed a sustained storyline.

    I think the Shameless produces have a contract with Fiona for minimum number of sex scenes she is in per season. But damn, she cums like a porn star though.

    And the subtle scene where you could tell Teddy was truly hurt because he left half his hamburger behind when he was on the phone with Charlie. Something Teddy would never do otherwise.

    You can tell Teddy was hurt because he left half a hamburger behind when he was on the phone with "Charlie".