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    So … in other words you are taking secondary information and applying your own personal opinions on an entire profession while sprinkling racial and social topics in the mix.
    By your definition pretty much every guidance counselor tells every black kid or poor white kid to just skip college and accept their fate as a

    Got quite the chip on your shoulder. I guess I never took a guidance counselor too seriously, come to think of it, not sure if I ever actually saw one. But yeah, your 'whoa is me' remark is not going to be popular.

    Perfect translation.
    Sorry Steve, truth hurts.

    Screw the east coast, that's their problem. They don;t own the nation.

    So this must have been an episode originally slated to air before the Thanksgiving one.
    I did love the song by Tina with Louise's interpretation. Sadly I was multi tasking when it aired so I'll have to watch it again to catch all the subtle jokes.

    Agreed, typically she is enough of a buzz kill to change the channel. If I wanted to be lectured I would go back to school.

    Nice I will admit I have only seen maybe two episodes of that show. By the time it came out I had all but written off any medical based show not to mention an ass hole doctor like that would last about ten seconds around me.

    Or behind us anesthesiologists that have had to put up with every mumbo jumbo medical show where people actually think it is real life. I can;t tell you how many times I hear "Well on E.R. or in Scrubs or …." when doing a preop interview.

    I will admit, I actually enjoyed this episode. Aside form the B plot, the terror sweat being the only real laugh besides Milhouse giving his prescription. This was a rare Lisa centered episodes where Lisa as a character did not try to bully someone into conforming to her views or was an outright nag.

    I guess you want them to sit down, have a heart warming conversation with sappy music in the background then hug it out ala Full House. That seems to me more your speed.

    Yadda yadda yadda, except no one in this thread here happened to mention that V (Veronica) reacted the same way as the Gallagher clan.

    I think the reviewer needs to start using the language "I felt" instead of "We've felt" when determining what the audience should think or feel about the characters or story lines.

    Shameless is back!! Finally a quality show worth watching.

    Yeah they really have turned Bart into a wussy lately haven't they? Also this isn't the first time Homer taught Bart how to shave, and the first time was much more enjoyable.

    Snoozer of an episode. Had at most one or two laughs, then just sort of ended. Even the break up was lame, I mean we all knew it would happen because the Simpsons for the most part are in stasis when it comes to character relationships, but this one just … stopped.

    Sorry but I would never walk on egg shells to get my future in-laws to approve of me and or my marriage. I would tell them to eat a dick. They can approve or not all they want. Same would go if it were my parents, as an adult they should never hold that much power over your head.
    Not to mention the obvious racism

    Probably because Sheldon always assumed everyone has it to a point and never found it worthy of conversation.

    Sitcoms just really over do that laugh track, too distracting which makes it hard to enjoy the episode.
    The Sheldon and Raj scenes were the best and the only ones really worth laughing at. I probably would have enjoyed the scenes with Amy has the laugh track not drowned out most of it.
    This is probably the first time I

    Many getting butt hurt and having a vendetta against a what, three year old? That was just pathetic and lame. Show needs less Manny, Luke, Alex, Lilly for sure and focus more on the adults.

    Much to Mac's horror.