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    Lines of the episode:

    Watched this with the wife because it was on = meh at best. Not as bad as that dumpster fire Bordertown was but I don;t see this one lasting long. Most of the characters had the look and feel of 'token' about them.

    Watched the show with the wife because I figured have to see it to have an opinion … and it was on. Man what a bore. That sanctimonious PC dick head (the mexican guy's nephew) needs to get his self righteous ass kicked a few times to even attempt to redeem what was a horrid show. The characters about all around were

    It was an okay episode, worth the watch. I'm just not the biggest fan of Lisa centered episodes so it took sometime to get into. The B plot was more interesting however.

    In hindsight,seems like the better choice today.

    LEFTORIUM!!! No no you put your money away that was an accident!

    No Wendell? Rex Bannister? Mr. Black? "Gentleman, to evil" - instant classic quote.
    No Sherri or Terri?

    Back when it still had some creative energy, Brian wasn't a pompous political soap box tool and they didn't have Peter act like an obnoxious idiot for idiot sake?

    This show will appeal to those who latch onto hot topic buttons. So having the word Bordertown will write half the script right there. Then they will rely on racial stereotypes, and of course have the white law enforcement officer be the ignorant racist because it is low hanging fruit.

    Is anything about Abdul worth tuning in for?

    It's called appealing to the lowest common denominator. Using hot button words like BORDER will write half the script for itself.

    I think this show will be designed to attract the left -aligned in the long run. It will have the standard red neck racist white cop who always goes out to thwart but fails, is ignorant and maybe learns a lesson in a PC manner only to reset next episode. Then you'll have the humble Mexican father with a a heart of

    Watched the first couple of LMOE episodes, gave up on it. Surprised it lasted another season.

    Hard working humble Mexican who loves his family
    Bitter racist redneck white cop
    Retread jokes

    LOL not much if teenagers can get the answers for their homework off a can of beer.

    Kevin - "Ugh get a room!"
    Frank - "Fuck you, get an apartment."

    Sadly all too often people in Frank's position have been fired from their jobs when placed in a no win situation.

    Meh, most everything has been done better before after, like I said earlier you would be hard pressed to find any genuine originality in a show or cartoon anymore. Could be that I am finally on a break after 27 weeks of non stop residency that when I binge watched the show knowing nothing about it or the Burr guy I

    A correlation for the decade and general mentality of parenting for the time. Back then kids did not have to have their hands held for them until they were 18 plus like it seems today.

    Homer is an asshole? Wow you have far too high of expectations from people. Some people take cartoons or TV shows for that matter way too seriously and get bent out of shape about little to nothing. My guess is you're the type who could be treated to an all expenses paid destination vacation location of your choice at