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    The whole scene with Bill hiding under his parent's bed had me laughing hysterically. Topped off with him looking right up into his dads saggy scrotum. Not only having to witness your parents rough sex but then hearing your dad call you a pussy before that. Rough day.

    Now they would all go to jail for "child abuse". And we wonder why so many kids walk all over their parents.

    Never watched Dom Draper and whatever show he is in, how empathetic was he six episodes in? After the first season you may see more if you have only gotten three episodes in thus far. My guess is you never really had someone truly like him in your life or have been conditioned to hate the personality regardless of

    So you would rather choose to ignore what was the common mindset of the time, regardless of how ignorant and by today's standards outdated it is, just to make the guy more likable? That's the problem with having a show that features a culture form the past, people too easily want to impose the modern or current views

    LOL the scenes where they all say "Dad's home" and everyone immediately gets a bit tense is too close to home because you know he's probably in a bad mood and ready to scream at anyone.

    To be honest, it gives me flashbacks to my old man when he would fly off the handle for little to no reason. Also if he was pissed at the brother and you happened to catch his peripheral vision, lookout! Ah nostalgia.

    The whole bathroom scene was hilarious, especially the guy on the toilet straining to squeeze one out.

    In this regard the dress and shots were in tune with the show and character. However I have often seen in shows or movies where the actor does not immerse themselves as the character rather instead making the character identify with the actor which takes away from the whole process. This is a rare time where the both

    True, after several season of buildup, or as the reviewer writes, patience driven character development, the writers did not fumble the delivery.

    This season has been a bit refreshing from the lag that was last year. Seems like they have gotten a bit closer to their roots, where the boys are taking pleasure in their nerd lives a little more with just enough growing in their adult/relationships.

    I won't justify or excuse his misogynist bits. I think he uses those as cheap fodder.

    I watched the six episodes yesterday, vacation started and just happened to come across it. I actually enjoyed the show, is it the best or most original new cartoon out there? Not by a long shot but it manages to keep a steady pace and the Frank character made me laugh a lot with his unprovoked rage. Maybe it's

    First time seeing the show, not bad, had some good jokes. I just appreciate non family friendly oriented cartoons.

    I must be too simple. Not sure if they are on the list or not (either way don;t care) but my favorites for the year were: Bob's Burgers, Archer, Rick and Morty and VEEP in no particular order. Some of the others I have seen, liked, some disliked. I have a tenancy to watch a show then inexplicably stop for a season or

    OITNB actually got better when Piper was off the screen, when she was on the show really dragged down.

    Rick and Morty hands down the best of, what I would consider a rather weak list for what is supposed to be the top 20.

    Bob's Burgers and VEEP best two of the list.

    I get what you;re saying,but you need to remember the prime demographic this show is aimed towards. So in the end they needed to salvage the two main characters (Haley and Andy) fron the wrath of the fan base so therefore Beth was tossed aside and made to be the one in the wrong.

    So what you're saying is that you have no problem being called out for your bigoted comment here in order not to be construed as PC.

    True but the writers played her off as the bad one because she was keeping it from him until she thought he was breaching the subject. Compound that with her cheating on the guy she was cheating with and the typical person will equate her with being the bad one. It was a phoned in resolution.