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    I will admit I have not seen a single new episode since the run off to get married "cheating scandal" what have you. Is it any good? because the past season was a nose dive from the onset.

    am I the only one who does not find anything appealing about her? Looks or lack of acting skills.

    Holiday episodes are not only too predictable but also the worst in a season. Like I said last week, of course they will make Beth out to be the bad one. By not only cheating on Andy, but also habitually cheating while cheating thus not vilifying the main characters to the audience can over look everything.

    Meh. was an okay episode with the gun show being the best but compared to the season as a whole this episode was … meh.

    But then she takes the bet and loses then throws a temper tantrum like a child is okay? Then why take the bet other than ego?

    It started with a bang and ended on a whimper. Would seem just like another episode if you didn't know it was the final one.

    I really enjoyed this article. Showed the true colors for both Bart and Lisa but the best aspect of the episode is HOMER AND MOJO

    And he can barely move, he's struggling to breath

    It how they keep the fans from villanizing the main character (s). Can't continue to have Andy as the sweet lovable (younger Phil) if he cheats and then breaks up with a genuinely nice woman Andy becomes the stereotypical male scum. Haley, becomes a finacee stealing whore. That is a path that's harder to redeem if the

    Really wasn't. Find nothing appealing about her.

    Emotional junk drawer? What kind of bullshit unicorn rainbow, yuppie crap is this? I would be right out that door the moment anyone on my family suggested this. I just had to fast forward through all the fell good nonsense therapy once they started holding one another. I'm sure Phil had some decent one liners but it

    Jimmy, you're thinking with your dick.

    Wow they actually discussed fantasy football for more than the cursory thirty seconds that the past episodes this season have displayed.

    Carl's Jr. chose the worst episode of the season to showcase? Who got fired for that mishap?

    What a terrible line up

    Most likable? Please give me your dealer's contact info.

    They need to hire Bobs Burgers writers for puns like that.

    The opening song was actually pretty good. Especially with
    Moe changing all the liquor bottles when Barney come in. Chief Wiggum taping
    the illegal poker game sign had a feel of classic Simpsons.

    That just shows the weakness of the writer who cannot separate an established character form their pwn personal ideologies.

    The fact you have to ask ends our conversation.