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    Pretty good episode, had a lot of one liners that were solid although I agree with the reviewer that Wiggum had the best line. Next to that would be Burns declaring that he will be bribing a jury.
    Still an era where the Simpsons could incorporate high profile characters with a rather smooth transition rather than a

    Please don't tell me you are a subscriber to all those hack shows like the Daily Show or Colbert report then. Their beyond overly biased and lame attempt at political comedy could never come close to what several of these animated shows, including the Simpsons, have ever done while dishing out on both political

    So no one is going to mention Gloria spending how many thousands of dollars to just fly her family behind Jay's back with his credit card? Kept house wife who burns cash like fuel but still tries to heart string everyone with how tough her life "WAS". If not for Ed O'Neil I would vote for getting rid of the

    Gloria is cute in her own right, but the moment she opens her mouth and that shrill scream comes out even when she isn;t trying to be loud is an automatic mood killer.

    There are three rules gaining momentum in the frat bro and sorority world

    Meh, just start videotaping everything. When she screams rape go back and review the tape. Win win in the end.

    What I love is how the reviewer thinks it's disturbing because it is giving the frat guys the opportunity to take advantage of women without repercussion. But the women did sign the consent, and consent was asked so is that really taking advantage? They guys let their intentions be known form the onset so … yeah that

    She has fallen into the standard role of the nagging middle aged wife.

    I love how Jimmy just served up PC pRinciple by looking him square int he eye and telling him he could not approve the paper first because he would not allow censored material from preventing dialogue. "S-s-s uck my dick PC Principle!" LOL

    And the nose dive continues.
    How can Andre be as socially retarded as he is? Seriously his half ass attempts to be funny are not even close.
    For what could have been an epic series finale every episode for the most part has been wasted on lazy writing and acting.
    Fuck you Pete and your stupid ass ref coin stupidity

    I dunno, this episode was a swing and a miss for me. Started off fine but really lacked in the joke department down the stretch. Like I stated earlier this season I'm not big on the holiday cheesy learn a life lesson etc.
    Overall I didn't much care for the story line, and I don't like Icecapades. I was hoping they

    LOL, I will admit I have only seen a handful of NCIS but nothing I saw was going to get me coming back on a regular basis. Maybe because it's a spin off of a spin off of a spin off etc but …. meh.

    So the officer being shot out of the torpedo bay …?

    We all want peace! But how do you get it?

    I dunno, I think the censoring of these episodes in the name of sensitivity only strengthens what these murderers want. When you start to affect things, such as TV, that have nothing to do with the subject at hand you win a little more each time.

    Pretty decent episode with some good call backs and a fun look at American culture and foreign policy then. I would place it as a middle of the road episode. The Starbucks joke was spot on and given the recent " cup controversy" (have to love manufactured controversy) it spells a lot of who we are as a people. Now for

    Interesting post. The one that stood out the most to me was the Craft Brewing being sexist. So because the demographic that enjoys making craft beers is predominately male, aiming your business towards males is inherently sexist. Yet I have never seen an article that took a hobby gears, advertised and sold

    This episode was entertaining in the aspect that Officer Barbarady randomly fired his gun the first time and just happened to hit a minority kid. The towns people then accused him of racism alluding that the incident would not have been as big of a deal if the kid getting shot was white. Then when Randy tackles

    And inside those boxers, my diiick!
    Literally the only good joke of the show. Need more Ruxin, the rest of the cast is just stagnant without his input.

    Either way, condoning it or playing along like Linda does is not acceptable.