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    Still you think she would not want to perpetuate the image. It's like someone wearing a faux leather jacket or fur but then splashing paint on others who are wearing genuine.

    Gene is hilarious and what you would expect from a 9 - 12 year old. Most of his comments I can relate to and find it amusing since he lives in his own world.

    The one thing that always bothered me is how Lisa is an animal loving vegan/ environmentalist yet still continues to wear the pearl necklace. You think on conviction alone she would not.

    I haven't watched a new Simpsons episode in a while except the most recent Tree House of Horror, and like the reviewer says it came all so close. The episode started off fresh and fun enough but just puttered away in the end. It was like the writers realized they had their 22 minutes of material and just stopped,

    From MN, not unusual to have good snow fall on Thanksgiving.

    The one where Bob is missing an arm and Linda seduces everyone

    Bob doesn't have the natural mean streak in him, he typically has burst of frustration but cools down quickly. He seems like the guy who is always trying to please or at least keep things on the level while holding back when he faces someone's stupidity.

    Yeah Peggy Hill was a level of annoying that makes you feel bad for Hank having to be married to her. Someone who HAS to always be right and can never admit fault drives me crazy because there is no reasoning with them.

    Mental illness? low self esteem and attention seeking is not a mental illness.
    And the Lynn part was the exacerbation of how she has no clue how to cook and relied on Bob to do it, that part was hilarious.

    Man if I had a sister in law like Gale she would needs a good slapping LOL. I love hoe Bob is so concerned about the turkey. He might be scared he doesn't recognize your voice. Tell him it's going to be okay, I want to hear you tell him, cracks me up.

    So has the show completely given up on the actual fantasy football angle with all the back stabbing and collusion? At this point there will be about 3 min left in the series finale and they'll be like "Oh yeah, XXXXX won the shiva" and said person will be like "Yeah!!" and everyone else will shrug their shoulder "Ah

    Very disappointed to see that they're never gonna acknowledge
    Ranazzisi's 9/11 issues. IIRC last week and tonight were both filmed
    after The Troubles began for him.

    This show is now shell of its former self, used to be hilarious with good acting, jokes and energy. Now it's just …. awful.

    At least Pete didn't make a dumb ass comment about his being a pee wee referee and how awesome that is this week.

    Honestly, where the hell is Ruxin? Seems like without him and his evil personality the whole episodes is one long monologue devoid of any jokes or natural rhythm.

    Honestly this is a rather enjoyable episode. There were enough sight gags and jokes to keep you interested while still having a rather smooth storyline. The Q tip to get Ralph out of the ear alone cracks me up.

    I never finished the Hills have eyes because I got so bored I left my friends house. Horror movies really are not scary, some can be disturbing only because you know there are sickos out there like that.

    I dunno, the episode was just dull to me. I can appreciate the story line, and maybe it's because I am tired after a long day but the episode did not keep my attention. Probably the only line that was funny was Randy saying they only have had a Whole Foods three weeks and they already have gay kids.

    Ruxin "And I wouldn't pretend to get migraines either" LOL how true, right out of the gate the episode started off better than anything the previous week had to offer. "Well for starters he's a ging",

    Did not see the premier