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    get ready to dig some nerd holes.

    The side show Bob segment was the best, there were some decent laughs in the Homerzilla one and the telepathic one (I forge tthe name of the movie the parody was for) was too short to have any real significance. Not their worst but not very memorable in the end.

    Interrupting Brooklyn 99 would actually be an improvement IMO.

    The only two parts of this episode worth remembering were the mam June scene and the one with the male Simpsons charging one another with pots on their heads. A few chuckles here and there but nothing to frame and hang on the wall.

    SP comment boards used to be fun and interesting. Now it's just a mixture of lame attempts at political jokes ala The Daily Show and the ramblings of Fox News.

    Why people are so enamored with Mario Lopez has escaped me all these years. But I suppose if so many other two bit celebrities can remain famous it should come as no surprise.

    This last season felt like the middle of a trilogy, like they were setting something up to happen this upcoming season. With all the fractured story lines and misleads or brief appearances (Jimmy) only to be gone again.

    Better than the British version by far.

    When I was in high school I was in a play in which the character had corn rows. More of an annoyance like your hair is being pulled and your scalp gets tender but not so much with the headache, at least on my part.

    Shameless is a great show, excited for its return. Much better than the British version and paints Chicago in a pretty accurate light.
    This past season felt like it was all a set up for the events to unfold with the upcoming season. Like the middle movie of a trilogy almost always the weakest (exception Nolan's Batman

    Marge, would you kindly pass me a doughnut?

    Television! Teacher! Mother, secret lover …

    The whole farmer scene bothered me from the start.
    1. Doesn't Taco live in a suburban neighborhood?
    2. Any farmer (the woman in this episode) with half a brain would clue in on the fact she was in the suburbs, one or two rows of tomato int he back yard does a farm not make. I realize she was humoring Andre by this point

    Yeah the practice girl was a joke from Family Guy, and even though that show has become garbage most recently I always laugh at that joke.

    Big ole YAWN there. Democrat or Republican = one in the same.

    What a waste of a read.

    Ah mysogeny, the equivalent of the race card for gender.
    And the practice girl was a reference to a joke in FG peter made against meg, so if you didn;t recognize that such is life.
    The show is called Modern Family, yet outside of a gay couple, the young minority wife marrying the older white guy and the adopted Asian

    to be honest I was only half paying attention, I must have just assumed he was dropping her off on his way to his job since Cam has been in that role for a while.

    No, no she wasn't. She was annoying and her whole cheesy set up with Andre was sad and reeked of desperation. I maybe could have tolerate her revival had she been more of a true angst for Pete instead of the poorly framed pairing with Andre and the horrible horrible scenes they "acted" out.

    Either that or have Luke just slay some girl with low self esteem (known as a practice girl) and actually take a chance with character development. I mean come on, how can you have that many teenagers who aren't at least getting an HJ, BJ or a little more on the side by this point other than a harmless kiss or walked