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    So who all thinks the daughter snorted a little nose candy when she excused herself and then came back with energy and a smile?

    Should have just said spare cell phone battery. Given how often he would be expected to use his would make sense.

    "Please raise your right hand"
    Richard raises his left
    "Your right hand"
    "Sorry," raises the right "I was practicing in the mirror" smirks LOL

    My all time favorite scene is right after Norm finds out that his wife is not cheating on him
    Norm - "I'm going to go home and see my wife … after two or three more beers."

    Nice input didn;t think of it until you said it. But great now that you have we will have a season long secret romance arc. LOL

    Man I am not a fan of politics and could never envision a life of politics. I get exhausted just watching this with all the hoops they constantly go through and the trivial things they worry about.
    What I have liked about this show is that it shows a politician for what they are regardless of political party.

    I always think of Peter Griffin from Family Guy
    "Don;t worry Louis nothing gets past me" Looks at TV "Holy crap Uhura's black!?"

    I always remember my dad cracking up the first time he heard Bender say "I heard you were on the ass end of an ass kicking".

    The professor "Accusing gentle Bender of a misdeed"
    - priceless

    Spin off? Give it time. LOL

    Cool thanks

    Rachael was always a self centered, its all about me DIVA before she supposedly got her broadway fame and I love how people are shocked when she acts like a total self obsessed narcissistic hose beast after she gets her car and big break. If anyone started treating me like the help in my own home and derided me for

    Once again we have the self centered Rachael who needs to be the center of the spot light that she throws a fit, takes her toys and goes home when someone else just may take some of that spotlight. Being in New York with her friends is good only as long as she is the one getting all the stardom. When Santana sang her

    Kurt is still an oversensitive "whoa is me the world is out to get me" bitch when it came to yelling at Blaine for missing the show. The guy who cries about a puppet while not more than a few episodes ago was using a pillow with an arm to represent Blaine. Had things been the other way around Kurt would have fully

    The problem I had with this episode is that Glee had spent the past few years jumping on every social issue and preaching what was essentially an extended PSA commercial. But when they had a chance to do one that directly affected a member of their cast they blatantly ignore it because it might hurt some feelings.

    Going back to the Rachael hate, that competition she was suspended for was one of the more refreshing points because it had contributions from most of the club rather than it being the Rachael and to an extent Finn show. They performed as a group and not just background dancers. The girl cannot act, she cries at every

    Mercedes has made racist remarks in the series just to let you know. Otherwise yes the series does just package PSA in quick episodes and then move on as if nothing happens. I do like how you called out Rachael because she is the most arrogant selfish character of them all. Spouting teamwork as long as it is her solo

    I did not read the review above since I have yet to see this show. How is it? Would it be worth watching?

    Professor "Oh the vast emptyness!" holds empty beer can up to Bender
    Bender " yeah yeah I can take a hint"
    Bender "Hey Fry look the dinosaurs!"
    Fry "I'll look, they;re not going anywhere, hey where did they go?"

    Futurama, what a great show with some deeply insightful story lines if you really stop to think about it. My all time favorite is where Fry, the Professor and Bender go forward in time.
    "First we must oil our new guests without the use of our hands/"
    the Professor "What did you do?! I was about to close the deal!"