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    Have yet to figure out why so many people find the Alex character hot. Average at best, below par acting skills. Maybe her arrogant know it all character is what blinds be to her looks but I am the type that no matter how "hot" a girl was if her personality made me want to punch a baby her physical features held no

    The less Alex the better, best thing for her is to go to college and get knocked down a peg or two when she realizes she isn't the smartest person on earth. Arrogance like that annoys me.

    Could you ever imagine voting for this administration? Even the most simple minded voter could see how transparent they are.

    I thought it was refreshing. For a change they actually appeared to be a GLEE club with multiple participation and not the Rachael Berry show. The previous competitions where is was predominately Rachael and Finn was old and with Rachael always self casting herself for leads and roles and then taking her toys and