
100% agreed! We have season tickets and this pregnant lady is awfully tired of the two mile hike to/from the stadium just to get kneed in the back by drunk bro dawgs for four hours. The football (and epic head coach sideline meltdowns) are much improved this year, so there is that.

Missed the "intent to deceive call" at the Michigan game due to a quest to obtain donuts which means I also missed seeing Jim Harbaugh being "offended."

Online crib reviews…

Had a doctor appointment today and he confirmed via ultrasound that baby has hair, which is pretty cool! Also confirmed that baby is unlikely to be bigger than 8 lbs at birth, which is also pretty cool!

My very first boyfriend in high school tried to shame me into disliking this song by telling me it was about masturbation. I just liked it because it was catchy and fun, like you say, and didn't think he knew what he was talking about anyway.

Caroline Bliss in The Living Daylights?

Any favorites?

Both - he has been kicking for almost two months, though. Nothing like watching your stomach pop like something is trying to escape! :)


Peggy Lee's Fever is just so damn sultry. I love it!

Third trimester kick-off!

Just re-reading some Agatha Christie novels because I have a mild addiction and it's probably not healthy.

One Game Wednesday is set to feature Betrayal at the House on the Hill, which isn't my favorite, but is appropriate thematically for October/Halloween. As far as monster-y games go, I think Dead of Winter is way more fun.

Longest. Game. Ever.

And it could have been so good!! The title tells the only good joke and then that joke is beaten to death (and, fittingly, reanimated) over and over and over again.

Yeah, I disagreed with that review at the time and I still disagree with it now. That book was just awful (and I had really been hoping it would be fantastic).

I think the general consensus (though I could be wrong) is that in contrast with Austen's typically sparkling heroines, Fanny Price is more typical of the rigidly morally upright heroines found in other literature of the era. In other words, I think a lot of readers find her kind of boring (Jane Austen's own mother…

Just finished Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia Wrede this morning. I've adored Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles ever since I was little and though Snow White and Rose Red is in a very different style, it's wonderful in it's own way.

Um, that's only per Oxford. Neither Merriam Webster or the Macmillan dictionary recognize it as a noun. And the usage should be stopped because it sounds ridiculous and is typically not found outside of a pompous corporate setting.