
I guess I don't see how a website that had an article comparing pizza to war crimes has any business getting bent out of shape about this, but whatever.

An Affair to Remember is just so lovely. Only movie that can make me cry. Just so lovely.

The headline for this article is atrocious.

I think we had just about the same pop culture childhood!

I saw a Walmart semi with "All your base.." written on it. It was glorious!

It's my personal theme song!

In high school I was 5'3 and 120 and I was considered heavy. Private school FTL. Never will forget the deafening silence in the theatre changing room when I had to admit I wore size 11 jeans.

You're the best!

…I'm speechless…


Thank you for providing a glimmer of hope! Most people I talk to these days just have horror stories to share…not fun.


Have an inducement scheduled for Sunday, so one way or another, baby will be here within a week (not that I'm looking forward to being induced, but having the baby and not being pregnant anymore will be fantastic)!

Just read "The Firefly of France," which was short and fun. Just bought an Agatha Christie novel, but had to have my husband hide it from me in case I have to be induced with baby (which could lead to several days of sitting around).

So, this is an ad?

I downloaded a bunch of public domain books in preparation for (theoretically) going into labor this week, but now I've already read the most interesting of the bunch: "The Lady of the Basement Flat," Miss Maitland Private Secretary," and "The Indiscreet Letter." Yesterday, I started reading "The Swiss Family

YTMND had entirely too large of a role in my freshman year social life.

Yes, I was victim to the dad movie rental process as well.

This was the first horror movie I ever saw and I thought it was absolutely terrifying. In all fairness, I was probably only about 8 when I saw it and the whole cotton candy storage system and clowns bursting out of the toilet was a bit too much.

Ooh! That sounds good - I hadn't heard of it.