
Or a music video with out music…golly, those sure do look strange! The joke never gets old!

Apology accepted!

I've found I've identified with her more as I've gotten older. When I was 13, I thought 27 was ancient.

The Packers' standard throwbacks are pretty awful. Those beige pants are hideous.

Yeah, it was a pretty good game and a very nice size crowd. Only complaint was the weather, and it wouldn't have been a problem if I'd been able to shut my jacket, but it doesn't fit over the baby bump!

I got to witness my very first in-person Harbaugh sideline meltdown and it was pretty awesome.

Just finished up "Rob Roy" a couple of days ago and am poking around for something new. Might end up re-reading Lord of the Rings though.

I purchased some tasty apples. Fall is the best!


I'm in if you need a 10th.

As a Packers fan, I agree with your assessment (of the Bears).


Note: pregnancy makes your vision get temporarily worse, which is annoying (though not FTS level annoying).

Actually, truck drivers can make over six figures. I used to work in trucking and some of the drivers were former lawyers/teachers, etc. who quit their other jobs for trucking in order to make more money. That being said, pounding a dock and sitting all day can be pretty damn punishing.

If it's any consolation, you're not the only one who basically loses every weekend in the fall to college football - I married into season tickets. Here's hoping a certain high-profile coaching change makes them easier to resell as necessary!

My former hubris regarding the Packers directly caused Jordy Nelson's ACL to snap so I have nothing to add.

It's penne because that was my hub nickname in college. Also, pasta is my favorite food. And "penne" is in my username, so…

Read "Bleak House" instead of "Great Expectations" because it is better. That being said, I was forced to read "Great Expectations" in 9th grade and I read "Bleak House" for fun.

Just finished re-reading "The Eyes of the Dragon" and have started "Rob Roy" which contains muckle dialect to muddle through.

Et Groot, Brute?