
Since this is the A.V. Club, are we allowed to mention Jennifer Aniston without also mentioning that she is beige?

More or less. He also didn't believe in dinosaurs, but I was really too floored by the plate tectonics thing for it to register deeply.

and MEEKO!

And Hercules and Tarzan definitely improve on repeat viewings.

As always, Alan Menken for the win!

I did. He didn't. It makes for a very awkward first date when two people sit and argue about the origin of earthquakes.

Also plate tectonics. I speak from experience.

As someone who loves the movie, I actually have to agree with you on that one.

I love this movie! It's just about the only movie that can make me cry. That scene towards the end when Cary Grant goes into her room and sees the painting and closes his eyes….*TEARS*

(I am a girl) and yup, same uniform for everyone! You get to look bland, you get to look bland, EVERYONE GETS TO LOOK BLAND! Black pants were specifically banned to prevent anyone from wearing a black shirt with black pants and being all goth and stuff.

My old school uniforms sure as hell weren't - khaki pants and tucked in polo shirts just make everyone look like they work in retail. If your shirt was too short to be tucked in, you were sent to the office to don a large plaid shirt from GoodWill.

We get to have nice things!!

Finished the Mysterious Mr. Quin which I liked quite a bit.

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!

Mr. Moneypenne got an offer for a job in which he will be working from home (yay!) and Baby Moneypenne is 8 weeks along and has a perfect heartbeat. Good times.

Library only had two I hadn't read and I actually exhausted two separate libraries e-book stores (one used Overdrive; the other used the Midwest Collaborative services or somesuch).

Yay roses too (though I don't have any yet)!

This is just so exciting that I'm just so excited!!!!

Chunky Monkey, for sure, but it doesn't completely fill the Bananas on the Rum shaped hole in my heart.

I'm 1/4 Italian and I've always just assumed that my veins run with garlic instead of blood and that I'm entirely vampire proof.