

Sprinted my way through The Mysterious Mr. Quin and Sleeping Murder (both by Agatha Christie). I hope to have gotten through all of her murder mysteries by the end of 2016. I only have about fifteen more to go, but tracking them down without having to pay for them seems like it will be the biggest challenge.

The three-part biography of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris was excellent. I highly recommend it.

Still fighting a seemingly endless war against ground cover, but the mint I deployed to duke it out with the periwinkle seems to be taking hold, so that's good!

You think the death of Sammy Davis left an opening in the Rat Pack?

That is a mischaracterization of the Millennial generation that I, as a self-absorbed Millennial, will not stand for!

I didn't know this was a thing. I'll let the Mister know what he has to look forward to!

I read a biography of Audrey Hepburn once that implied that Wilder himself didn't think Sabrina worked and that's why the final shot isn't this great romantic kiss, but instead the hat thing and a hug. The biographer felt there was a sense that the director wasn't buying the relationship and didn't think the audience

I think it would have worked a lot better if there was more of an emphasis on David being shallow and Linus as a man with a broader horizon that ultimately Sabrina finds intriguing/sympathetic (I think they went for that a bit more in the remake). As is, I'm not buying Audrey Hepburn going for an aging, awkward

Well, once the baby weight is on, I doubt I'd be his type anymore, so that shouldn't be a problem. :)

I've come to the inevitable conclusion that none of the herb seeds I planted are going to grow. The seeds Mr. Moneypenne planted are doing just fine, so he believes it is a user failure issue on my part (extremely likely). I'm also on full out poison ivy watch, which seems to sprout just fine.

My mom because she is the best!

We aren't drunks, we're professionals. Little known fact about Wisconsin and brandy: of the 385,000 cases of brandy that Korbel exports yearly, 139,000 go directly to Wisconsin.

I have a collection of Dorothy Parker stories on hold through my library - I'm really looking forward to it!

I usually get a small smile out of reading it, so there's that. Anything is better than another Cosby update, yes?

After trying for a year and a half and going to three different doctors and suffering through much testing and temperature taking and alcohol abstinence, Mr. Moneypenne and I are finally going to be having a baby!!!!! And since it's too early to tell anyone outside of immediate family, I'm going to share the news

Just finished one of the lesser Christies: "The Postern of Fate," which wasn't great and I've just started "Passenger to Frankfurt" which also has a less than stellar reputation. I also wrapped up three more by P.G. Wodehouse, my favorite of the three being "Love Among the Chickens: A Story of the Haps and Mishaps

And this is what we get instead of a Tolerability Index? Hrmph.

Hey dog, I heard you like Mad Max and Hey Girl memes, so we put a Mad Max in your Hey Girl so you could Max Max while you Hey Girl'd. Also, here's a funny picture of a cat.

Edgar really is the worst.