
And jokes. It has jokes!!

There is a gnat in my glass of water.

We were there three years ago and it was gorgeous, though the hike out to the lake was intense.

I really wanted to like it more than I did, but not a single person can be mentioned without a small avalanche of platitudes, which got to be really, really repetitive after a while.

General clean-up is ongoing. This week I've uprooted about 40 dandelions, four poison ivy sprouts, trimmed back some of our messier beds, and we've begun mulching. Since we planted new grass, it's been very limited as to where we can use the wheelbarrow so most of the mulching has been done via a small bucket. My

Mr. Moneypenne is a Yooper so we go up north pretty frequently (from the Ann Arbor area). We went to Colonial Michilimackinac a few years ago in October and it was mind-numbingly cold and windy; all the employees were huddled up around a giant fire in the barracks in their historical garb. We wanted to join them but

Going to Mackinac Island for the weekend with Mr. Moneypenne and our newly spiffed up bikes!

I read As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride, which was disappointingly just okay. There were some interesting stories in it, but for the most part it was a book about one guy going on and on about how great a whole bunch of other people are.

Definitely an homage. They had Little Mermaid money to work with at that point.

I have a headache.

That's my anti-dandelion battle cry!

I noticed that Rodgers kept looking over to the side - I think he was keeping a close eye on the clock (as an amazing, reigning MVP quarterback is likely to do) and growing increasingly impatient with the other two.

Looking forward to A.A.Ron Rod-gers tonight! Wooooohoooo!

Point conceded, but the Cheddar Bay Biscuits take all of five minutes to mix-up. In the time it takes to make knock-off Olive Garden breadsticks, you can have completed an entire meal at Olive Garden (including breadsticks).

And elevenses?

Those are really easy to make at home though. I don't think you can reproduce actual Olive Garden breadsticks in your kitchen.

Didn't they cover that in Wall-e?

Waiter, please bring me five more martinis!

The sandwich shop I worked at in college even offered a 401k!
