
You've lost me completely.

But, according to show logic, Henry wasn't born in the fairy tale world so he didn't get transported back. The baby was also not born in fairy tale world so it should have also been left behind. That being said, OUAT isn't notable for being consistent.

I kept shouting at my husband, "What about the baby? Who is taking care of that baby?" Glad someone else noticed that too.

After the opening credits scene for the second part contained a swan, I was hoping they'd somehow turn Emma into the swan princess, which would have been fun.

I'd say you're doing a world class job!

How can she rinse her face without smudging any of her make-up and how to I obtain this power?!?!?!?

I am the waffler..golden crispy…bad guys are history!

..but if he goes away, we won't get to hear about "DOM CAPERS' SCHEMES" (c) anymore!

I recommend becoming a proud Packers fan instead. It's a lot of fun (seriously) (it's serious fun)!

I see what you did there.


I'll just stick to my carrot sticks, thanks.

My whole garden/backyard is over run with ephemeral plants (notably Virginia blue bells and Dutchman's Breeches), which is awesome, but I've also got wild violet popping up everywhere which looks to be a problem.

Most things.

That's a quest I fully support!

…chicken butt.

I've got the blue box blues.

More like Obummer…geeeeeez.

That flavor is delicious and I will passionately defend it!!!

I've never felt badly about eating radioactive orange mac n cheese. If you add a sprinkle of frozen kale into it, it counts as a health food, right?