
Hope it helps! And, really and truly, best of luck!

Fair enough!

I think "The Return to Oz" movie did have a majorly negative impact on my childhood. That movie is insane and scary.

I didn't really know what I was getting into and I don't think I reflected much on it outside of "Everyone seems to have five different names and they all end in 'sky.'" Definitely time for a revisit it seems!

Doctor's orders.

I'll do what I can - thanks!

I can't really think of anything but cliche sounding things such as "thinking of you" and "good luck," which don't really encompass my sympathy.

I'm supposed to gain 10 lbs by only eating healthy food. As far as I can tell, that means I have to eat approx. 21,356 carrot sticks a day. Not a problem that's likely to engender much sympathy, but I'm on day three of eating plain full-fat yogurt with raw nuts for lunch and I am losing my shit!

I read Anna Karenina in 8th grade (mostly for the 80ish accelerated reader points), and, oh boy, was I irritated when *SPOILER ALERT* she dies and the book goes on for another 200 pages. Maybe I should revisit it now that I'm (possibly) a bit more mature.

I feel a bit sheepish about this (though in all fairness, I had the flu last week, so clear thinking wasn't really a thing), but I just re-read Ella Enchanted.

Pssh. That's, like, ten years of Catholic school knowledge being put to use.

I think it's Tarsus, not Taurus.

Did the AVClub just burn Michigan State? Because, if so, Mr. "Michigan Man" Moneypenne will be most pleased.

Damnit! Now I want some french fries. Thanks a lot!

+1 self-esteem points for validation from random person on the internet! yes!

The movie can't be as bad as the book, right? I mean, it's just got to be better than that, right? RIGHT?

Eyeliner can be dangerous. No joking matter.

It doesn't even have to be that new! They could just adapt another classic fairy tale into a delightful 2-D musical with some sort of quirky animal sidekick. GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!


How saucy!