
That's how you say it in Canadian.

He's a jackass for sure, but a very entertaining one at that.

I'd love to reply in length, but I've got to get myself off to the airport in about five minutes so I don't really have time this morning.

Umm…yes. I don't see how becoming more self-aware and less arrogant/humbler are mutually exclusive. And I also think there is a difference between lively self-confidence and arrogance. "A disposition to think a little too well of herself," is arrogance and by the end of the novel, that disposition has definitely

"Flaccid" is such a sad, sad word.

And from Kate Winslet's wig-thing.

I actually think Clueless catches the spirit of the novel better, but like you said, this movie is amusing enough.

She doesn't. The whole point is Emma is supposed to go from arrogant to humble as her self-delusions get stripped away throughout. Gwyneth Paltrow is fine in the first half of the movie, but she stumbles with the whole "humble" thing.

Clearly Belle is just the best Disney princess EVER!!

I'm part-way through Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm (which contains one short story related to Cold Comfort Farm) and it's a very enjoyable read. Nightingale Wood was good, but not even close to Cold Comfort Farm good.

Just finished The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things, which was great and am simultaneously starting the Screwtape Letters and Pegasus by Robin McKinley.

And awkward squeaking noises added?

Definitely misleading.

In all fairness, they did tape an episode in America in which the locals did attack them and their entire crew, but that was in the south, so maybe the attackers don't fully qualify as Yanks.

Well, the series creator/one of the hosts did punch a guy in the face because he was hungry…so there's that.

I think it has something like 300 million viewers weekly.

Appreciate it, guys, but there is a Mr. Moneypenne already on the scene.

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Well, a blob is bound to pick up some grit as it travels around.