
Off-topic, but why hasn't the possible cancellation of the most popular fact-based television show "in the world" been covered yet? Even CNN has coverage.

Cynthia, I'm happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Kanye is the most real cool dancer of all time!

"What friends?" - Internet

Never put together that there are two classic movies that heavily feature curtain clothes.

But I'd prefer "macaroni and cheese!"

Color me surprised!


I wouldn't say no to a Princess Bride sequel/spin-off about the continuing adventures of Miracle Max, though.

And his drink.

William Powell as Nick Charles. He is witty, charming, debonair, and a damn good detective.

I had the Barbie that talked and said "Math is hard." Luckily, I had many other positive role models in my life such as Gadget from Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers and Miss Piggy.

My brother popped the head off most of my Barbie's. I'm still irritated about it.

Elephants never forget.

Electronic handheld talking Jeopardy for the win!


I tried to watch the show with Mr. Moneypenne but I fell asleep and then I spent the rest of the night asleep.

Pshh. I was on jury duty for seven weeks and I didn't get so much as a free donut.

Or were, you know, six years old when it was popular.

I had a Pink Power Rangers action figure. When you pushed the button in it's back, it would karate chop! Totally way cool!!!

I really liked Olga Kurylenko as Cami in Quantum of Solace because she was pretty kick-ass and I think her back story has a bit more depth than the average bond girl.