
But with John Travolta!

Either way, it's not a very good-looking dress.

But my mom likes Cher!

I feel for the original artist. He/she probably put a lot of work into his/her maze model and it's been replaced by the work of a celebrity who has the time/money to do it better.

Most of what I know about Brian Wilson, I learned from the Barenaked Ladies song "Brian Wilson."

Yes, it is. I'm borrowing it from my library as an e-book, so I don't know how common/rare it is.

Let's get dangerous!

I always knew Disney cared!

I totally have the theme song downloaded in about 9 different languages. The Finnish version is superior.

Currently reading The Book of Dragons by E. Nesbit, which is pretty fun. Just finished Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia Wrede which I loved and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling which was (as expected) hilarious and (less expected) insightful: I didn't realize I wasn't alone in wondering why men

Yes, a quotation, but, in all fairness, I can very much be a jerk, and as someone who has not once, but twice, played enough Pokemon Gold to achieve a level 100 Feraligator, I'm in no position to judge other people's excessive video game playing.

I've always wanted to try the brightly colored pie things the lost boys eat in Hook, which is admittedly weird.

I don't know. Ask Trey Parker or Matt Stone.

I love this song!!! The movie isn't my favorite but it was on my favorite edition of Disney Sing-a-Longs so I got to enjoy it without having to watch (or fast forward through) the rest of the movie (these were pre-YouTube and DVD days).

This guy has absolutely no life. Bring on the Hot Pockets.

What about Recess?

I blame lazy Sunday.

Mr. Moneypenne and I actually ended up watching some bowling on ESPN this weekend and I think one of the pros ended up with a 4-6 split, so this is weirdly timely. Probably shouldn't admit to watching bowling, though.

Can we get an adaptation of Sir Nigel and The White Company instead?

That's terrible. I'd be happy to share any and all of my Catan tips for those who need them. There is no glory in vanquishing lesser foes.