
The whole thing is really odd. I tried to start re-reading the series about a month ago and the entire plot of the whole book (in which, basically, Dumbledore puts an eleven year old in mortal peril for some reason), is just beyond stupid in retrospect. If he knew Quirrell was after the stone the whole time, why

Ask an friend to review it before you post it to get an outside opinion on whether you sound interesting or like a long-winded twat? I edited/de-creeped my friend's OKCupid profile for him and he said it helped.

The whole situation is just awfully depressing.

And nobody tosses a dwarf!

Oh no. I take back my previous "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Because they are heavier and some of us lack the upper body strength?

Related to yesterday's news: why throw daggers when you could use a sword?


Thank you for sharing - I was unaware of this history of Messrs. Barnes & Noble.

In all fairness, Lady Susan isn't very similar to the rest of the Austen canon. It may have been a purposeful omission.


This story is false. The one ring is currently in my wallet.

Meh. Snow day.

The A A Ron thing was a call back to their "Substitute Teacher" skit, which was probably why we was included.

Related: the Muppet Babies Star Wars episode was one of the best of all time. Of all time!

Science rules!

So how soon before McDonald's is hit with a sexual harassment lawsuit for this?

Admittedly, I havent been reading this column, and I can see why people might feel (based on today's entry alone) that the content doesn't necessarily fit in with the typical content. All the same, I don't get the hate. Today's column is about a pretty chilling story of bigotry and it's disheartening to see so much

Hey now! I (sometimes) like the Tolerability Index, but that's probably because I used to read The Hater with a friend in college and I have a strong-nostalgia based attachment.

Asta from The Thin Man. He can back flip!