
Bye, boys! Have fun storming the internet!

Not to mention Superman!

I'm sorry, Cappadocius. I didn't mean to encourage it so hard.

I do not think it means what they think it means.

I only clicked on this article because of the stillshot from the Princess Bride…but I guess, great job, internet?

I don't think he is and from what I read, the reason they scrapped a lot of his original ideas was that it would have been damn near impossible to produce the film for a reasonable amount of money in the 80's. They scaled back the scope and made it an origin story partially for cost-effectiveness. But then again, I


I still think it would have been better if they would have revisited Dan Ackroyd's original concept wherein Ghostbusters are akin to police/fire departments and every city has them.

So did I…when I was babysitting after school.

I went on a date with a guy who straight-out said plate tectonics didn't exist because it wasn't mentioned in the Bible. It was an extremely short date.

I don't get it.

But when is Sherlock coming back?!?!?!?!?

I heard he's a professional golfer.

First of all, of course Seattle has (and has had) a fanbase. That doesn't even make sense. If they didn't have a fanbase, they would have moved to L.A. already.

OMG! He COULD be here among us…

Nerds and sports fans living together…mass hysteria!!

If anything, a Seattle championship did nothing but prove that Seattle fans are mostly insufferable to the rest of us.


That twist in the South Park episode is more Shakespearean than Machiavellian. Just sayin'

No James May in the first series - who wants to watch that?