
This just keeps getting worse and worse.

Your wife's Netflix streaming list mirrors my own.

This is terrible, terrible, terrible news.

But…but…I love Top Gear. *cries*


Oh how I miss living in radio range of Wayne Larrivee.

My mistake, B-lak-é


I love No Name. Magdalen is so vivid and the Wragge/Lecount battle of wits is one for the ages.

You've lost me completely.

They should be grateful it was only butthurt and no buttfumbles.

Perfunctory AARON RODGERS!!!!

"I asked you a simple question! Do you love her? "
"YES! But don't hold that against me, I'm a little screwy myself!"

Yes it was, but Bleak House is still one of the earliest examples (not the earliest).

British lit connection to Downton Abbey (kind of spoiler-ish): I think they lifted a plot point from Wilkie Collin's The Law and the Lady for season three.

Outside of just being a great story, it's also one of the earliest examples of a British detective novel - fun fact!!!

That part (though not in the novel) when he's all "Look back at me"…geeeeeeezzzzzzzzz.

I love this exchange as well:

I don't know about that. While undoubtedly the fangirls would be mad if Hook turned full-out villain, I think Hook's back story showed him to be a honorable man who turned to piracy after he became disillusioned with king and country. So, in a way, his now being a "good guy" is kind of him going back to his roots,

Fair enough. In general, though, it seems that the "superpower" fails more often than it works. Also, I tend to blush every time it's mentioned…it just seems like such an awkward thing to bring up in conversation. Then again, this is Once Upon a Time.