
You mean "baloney."

"I'm going to walk on the sunny side of the street. Wait. Did I remember to put on sunblock today? Yes, I did because I bragged about it three times already this morning."

Lots of fun stuff tonight, but my favorite scene was Gordon and Nygma talking about their double date back in Season 2 while waiting for the Owl People to show up. I liked the reminder in the midst of all the Riddler cat-and-mouse mayhem that they used to kind of be friends.

So, so close to comment/username synergy

I think I made the same noise/face as Amy when Cagney & Lacey asked what an orgasm was. Also, Jake's comment at the very end about the girls drawing his nose way too big especially in light of all their racial discussions got me good.

;-) ;-) ;-)

I came on the site just to see the Gotham discussion and cracked up when I was greeted with a headline about the "troubling trope of serving up hot adult women with the minds of children." Relevant.

How else will they ever get FOX to schedule episodes?

"What's it say on it?"
"TGIB, for Thank God It's Bob."

Ahhhh, that makes sense. Thanks!

Wait, did anyone else hear "And boobs if it's a girl." in Tina's list of qualities she find attractive in a partner, or am I hearing things again? (Yeah yeah yeah, "It can be two things," I know.)

One of my favorite bits in the already hilarious "Polter-gasm" ("Are we really doing this?")

Yep, they really dropped the ball on the end of that arc. I really like Jeff and that he's back with the main cast, but "Holy S#*% Jeff's Back" is one of my least favorite episodes. :/


I got a Hitchcock DVD set for Christmas and forgot how exhilarating the opening credits for Psycho were until I put it on yesterday, so I'm seconding this suggestion.

Doug Judy's disappointed whine when Holt took away his gun was my favorite thing of the night. Doug Judy calling Jake's lawyer character Carl Mangus was a close second though (miss you, Mangy Carl).

Yeah, as a white person I'm willing to admit I might not always be the greatest at being critical, but is a sitcom like this really the place to deal with whether or not this Asian woman should be acting differently due to her race? There might be interesting commentary to make about her occupying a typical WASP role,

I remember my parents taking my sister and I to see "Eleven" in theaters when we were all bored one afternoon, then making "Twelve" and "Thirteen" actual family dates when they came out. Nice to see the trilogy is tradition among other families, too!

I actually said that out loud to my TV as it was happening.

"No Light, No Light" by Florence + the Machine. I remember being absolutely frozen by the end of the last bridge (when Welch holds that one note) the first time I heard it.