
It's so dense - every single shirt has so many things going on.

"Should we get tanktops?"

I've still got a local FOX-affiliate that plays HIMYM from 11:00 to midnight M-F nights. Other than that, I never see it on any schedule (which is a relief since I also can't stand it since the finale).

Joking but not really joking, my friends and I like to blame Scooter Braun for dropping the ball on CRJ. He’s too busy rehabilitating Justin Bieber for the fourth time or getting Tori Kelly gigs at every awards show in this hemisphere.

Screamin' Jay Hawkins in the late '50s/early '60s (not sure of a notable concert, but I'd take pretty much anything)

Super sad upvote (although I have heard "Cut to the Feeling" on the radio twice this past week! Yay!)

I agree — I thought at certain points tonight (the ending with Bruce, the multiple character deaths) that the writers must have thought this would be the series finale. I'll be interested to see where they go from here for one more year, though.

I almost can't believe they went there already. I mean, Bruce's arc this season was all pointing to it, but I thought the show wouldn't actually show Baby Bat until the series end.

"They aren't really going to have Bruce detonate the bomb… huh. Okay, but they aren't really going to have it go off at the end. … I see. So, does anyone in this universe have the ability to, say, turn back time?" — my thought process during the last five minutes

Yes — they get two nearly identical scenes together where Ed thinks he has Oswald trapped and waves a gun around, then Oswald escapes. Personally I found them to be kind of blah, especially compared to the scenes they shared last week.

Man, I've got enough bad shit happening in the real world, I don't need to spend the summer bummed about two of my favorite fictional people being found guilty of a crime we know they didn't commit. The INJUSTICE of it burns me up.

(Cliché for me to say, but damn, I wish I could upvote this comment more than once.)

I was more forgiving in the first half of the season (even if her engagement drama was pretty dull to me), but the second half has been bad. Apart from some good scenes with Jerome, it seems like the writers just trot her out to be sad and accusatory then send her back to the basement.

Somewhere between Alfred stabbing Kathrine in the hand like twelve seconds into his interrogation and Oswald using red Jell-O as fake blood, this show earned my undying loyalty. I love this terrible trash fire of a program. Here's hoping Bruce is only faking being emotionless/brainwashed by the Temple Shaman dude.

I knew from just the mention last week of this being the next Wiki Walk topic that I'd be seeing John Ritter in the header image, and it was still a sucker punch tonight. Still stings, man.

Not the younglings!!

Good to have you back, DAB.

"Why would Iris and Amanda swap houses if they had the same. Damn. Kitchen?"

It can be two things.

I kept waiting for Jervis to show up later in the episode, but that exposition at the beginning was really all he was there for, huh.