
(I remembered this comment during the most recent episode of Westworld when Jimmi yelled "Don't touch her!!" and started cracking up, much to my roommate's consternation.)

I've had orgasms less satisfying than that hour of television. Holy shit.

The DVD I have of D.E.B.S does not have the original short as a bonus feature. There's a "making of" featurette that mentions what it started as, but alas, the footage itself wasn't included. :(

Just caught this ep, and right near the when Amy's talking to Jake in the ambulance she tells him local authorities found the marshall alive at Figgis's hideout, so hopefully Maya Rudolph turns up again in the future.

Correct as usual, King Friday.

Francine: (wistfully) I don't remember the last time I had mushroom tea…
Klaus: It was two weeks ago at the downtown Shera-
Francine: (joining in) Sheraton Hotel!! *beat* Let's go there.

"I quit, and I know there's a fucking Face/Off machine! You're just keeping it a secret from me!"

"Cool Story, Bro": I saw "Spy" in my stodgy hometown's theater. Every once in a while, someone would snicker, but no one was outright laughing. So I tried to play it equally cool and quiet, but as soon as Ford started his rant in the motel room about all the impossible things he had done on his missions, I started


I swear two of the other lifeguards were called Orangjello and Lemonjello, which made me laugh and then feel slightly racist.

I'm just… ugh, I feel like I want to cry but can't. I was just listening to "It Must Be Love" last night. I can't say I own or listened to everything she everr recorded, but I was a fan, and this so upsetting and shocking.

(Based on the spoilers I read this morning for "The Cursed Child" play, I would believe it…)

I misread the title as "J.K. Rowling" and wondered if she was just really, really amped to be working on a screenplay or something.

That rejuvination center security footage guard is my new favorite. [paraphrased] "He wouldn't stop bothering me, like when I'm trying to watch Fallon and my wife won't stop trying to bang me."

TSNOTD is maybe my favorite book of all time, so I appreciate seeing someone else reference it here!

Better come with Andy (Pesto) Capp's fries so the twins aren't split up!

I had to Google that song, and I don't know if it's because you put the idea in my head or not, but I totally hear it too now, so thanks.

It's serving that "Dog with a Blog" realness for those of us who can't afford the Disney Channel.

Sherlock BBC. I thought the first three episodes were so cool, but the next season didn't really hold my interest, and all the critical acclaim around that time kind of gave me backlash against it ("Really, we're calling this uneven, trite stuff outstanding television? Ehhh…"). I hear the third season was even worse.

It's not even that there's something intrinsically wrong with it… but it was just very blah for me.