
"A talking monkey?"
"Talking monkey, yeah, yeah. Came here from the future, ugly sucker, only says 'ficus'."

(Last I heard, there'd been a hoot owl howling by his window now for six nights in a row…)

(SPOILERS) I think they mean who shot Agent Chad Michael Murray. I can live with that mystery, though.

I'm throwing money at my screen but nothing's happening.

Plus this one is about his father dying, so maybe you should lay off.

I haven't heard Beyonce beyond the singles, really, but this album is really sonically interesting, entertaining, but most of all, it's just… raw.

If the delay doesn't mean we get last week's cover of "Just What I Needed" on the album when it finally comes out, I will riot.

(Of course not…)
*pulls off tacky rubber mask*
(Because I'm you from the future!)

Oh, no, I think your review is even-handed and your critcisms are valid. (Really, I'm not being sarcastic.) "Dumpster fire" is just my usual go-to metaphor for bad things.

I told you that I'm crazy for these cupcakes, cousin!

I was so sure Aisha Tyler was Tina's science teacher in "Bad Tina" when it first aired. Obviously, it was not (it's Melissa Bardin Galsky), but I'm prepared for the day she actually appears.

"Why are you so good at throwing menus?"
"What do you think we do all day?"

Incredible. I get off the computer, take the dog for a walk, and come back to see this in my Facebook newsfeed. I literally just said "WHAT" out loud. 2016, cool your fucking jets with the celebrity deaths.

Oooh, I like this theory. That actually makes more sense to me, since I did think it would be really abrupt for Jake and Holt to have gone into Witness Protection Program.

" 'Summer's Kiss' my ass!"

I read once that the showrunners like to try writing themselves into a corner at the end of every season and then work on getting out of it over the break, so I figured things were going too well when Jake & Amy decided to live together and there were still four minutes left of the episode.

Jesus Christ. Early "Castle" was my jam, and even though I bailed at the start of Season 6 this is surprisingly sad (especially since everything I've read indicates Stana and Tamala aren't choosing to go).

DUBUQUE? The DUBUQUE COUNTY FAIR?!? I don't know if I'm horrified for her or excited I can see Kesha live for my college self's sake. (Yeah, yeah it can be two things. Fucking Iowa, man.)

Long Version? Future Steve & Snot returned to their lab and congratulated each other on correcting the time stream. Then another time machine appeared with Future-Future versions of Steve & Snot asking if they broke a beaker just then. Future Steve wants to know if that will upset the timeline, but his future-future

His single "Youth Without Love" ( https://www.youtube.com/wat… ) was MPR's Free Song of the Day yesterday, so this is timely. Definitely intrigued by what I've heard of this album so far.