
"…the most genteel philandering, pill-popping boozehound to ever die in the back seat of a car"

That's my creed… my code.

I love looking through ModCloth and seeing stuff other people buy from there, but holy hell, everything I've tried ordering has fit just horribly. The recommended dress does look flattering across the body-type board, though.

Damn, I was wracking my brain to phrase some of my counterpoint thoughts and then I scrolled down to see this awesome analysis. Kudos to you-dos.

… Clearly sleep didn't help because I'm still losing my shit over this.

Clearly I need to go to bed because I can't stop laughing at the mental image of David Crosby riding an elephant to work every day.

Let us know Gwen you have a decent answer.

“I was bullied in high school for being too handsome.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You’re right, it was because I set my crotch on fire in shop class.”

Ex-bone bros.

The right movie is gonna git referenced tonight!

I drunkenly misread "Get Hard" as "Walk Hard" and got irrationally excited for about 2.5 seconds.

That was my first thought when I saw the article, too. I actually enjoyed the movie (or, well, parts of it) for what it was, but after it was over I wanted to be reading the books again.

I hope an aspiring Whitney Frost-type submits a video of how to vaporize live rats. Easily my favorite part of Agent Carter this season.

Aw, the incomprehensibility of S2 is part of it's charm for me (except for the final episode, oof). But I agree and wish ABC hadn't dropped the promotion ball (ads were everywhere during the first season, then basically vanished after the strike) to see if some of that potential could have been re-harnessed.

Never saw it, but I will be salty over it on your behalf if you'd like.

I suddenly got really salty over "Pushing Daisies" getting canceled for low ratings back in the day.

I keep hovering over the "upvote comment" button, but I can't bring myself to click it.

I actually read this morning Jaskia is now narrating a "Welcome to Night Vale" spin-off podcast [ http://aliceisntdead.libsyn… ]. Face-wise, though, I miss seeing her around in live-action stuff.

The greatest thing "Fringe" did besides casting Anna Torv was to cast Anna Torv again.

"We were talking about who would win in a fight — a Cabbage Patch kid possessed by a demon, or Teddy Ruxpin with a Metallica tape inside."