
Amy Schumer, Trainwreck
Brie Larson, Room

Ray needs help clearing his criminal record after Elliot uncovers his double identity as Doug Judy (only after being duped to go visit Judy's mother and to dress like a Boyz II Men Easter album cover).

I gave up on "Teen Wolf" when Boyd and Allison died.

I saw a preview for "Modern Family" during "Agent Carter" tonight and thought there was no way for me to think it looked/sounded stupider. Then I saw the description listed above and was proven wrong. Thank you, AV Club.

I legit saw a Facebook friend post this story with an asinine comment about "Tyler Hoe-chelin" and how she couldn't believe he was so hard up for cash he had to resort to this type of "prostitution." (Needless to say, I unfriended her.) I'm still kind of shock I saw a grown-ass adult that I know and who is married

(I was just making a joke. I was a huge fan of the early '00s "Pussycats" movie where Kay dubbed Josie's voice for Rachel Leigh Cook.)

…Josie, of “and the Pussycats” fame, because obviously we weren’t going to get out of Riverdale alive without at least a few horrible facsimiles of cheerful teenage music to drive us all insane.

Because I'm actually a 12-year-old boy, Samberly suggesting the guys drink their own urine after an hour and five minutes of waiting in the desert made me laugh the hardest of any joke last night.

A phrase I never thought I would write, but God dam it, Daily Mail, keep trying!

No clue about myself, but fancasting the rest of my family is fun because I have a grandpa that looks like (and enjoys the work of) Christopher Lloyd, and my dad used to get a lot of comparisons to Michael Chiklis. Leighton Meester could be my sister… OK, I'm turning my own biopic into an "It's a Wonderful Life"-style

It definitely got a lot easier to tell them apart since Maroon 5 added that black guy in 2012, but it's still pretty tricky to tell them apart from Coldplay since nobody actually gives a shit.

I liked how Peggy and Jarvis literally stopped the car to discuss her love life because that invoked standstill is a perfect metaphor for how I feel whenever there's focus on ~Peggy's love triangle~. I really do like both Wilkes and Sousa, but it feels like everything fun and interesting comes to a standstill

The opening where they were acting like Steve had never visited Stan at work bothered me since Steve was already plenty sick of visiting the CIA back in "With Friends Like Steve," but I guess that happens on plenty of long-running shows, new writers or old writers forgetting what plots they've used that might inform

"Damn it, Roger is suing us for copyright infringment! Says we're copying Wheels and the Legman."

That was first time of an unfortunate many I yelled "Dude, what the fuck?" at my TV last night.