
I think the way to do a twist is by making yourself the type of show that doesn't seem to have twists. I guessed all the Westworld twists pretty early on in the season, though I enjoyed spending like seven episodes being like "But ARE they the same person??". (And yes, I did actually enjoy that, I'm a huge nerd.)

In my family, my mom *absolutely* would have remembered that detail, and my dad 100% would not. Perhaps Laurie and Kevin were the same? It didn't strike me as weird.


I may be misremembering, but didn't we see a scene of the Commander listening to (or watching) the news while Serena was in the room, before turning it off? If so, I assume it is something like that.

Honestly, I HATED The Name of the Wind. I'll admit I haven't read Wise Man's Fear, but I couldn't put myself through that again. Sorry to disagree!

I am finding this frustrated as well! One of my websites (Vulture?) had a book primer before the show came out. I was taught blue = Wife; green = Martha; blue/green = Econowife. Serena Joy's clothes (*except* in the flashback in which we see her throw out all of her regular clothes) look more teal to me than blue. The

I'm also getting the sense that even if fertility treatments were allowed, they would only work if you combine the sperm of a fertile man with the egg of a fertile woman. This environmental toxicity doesn't really seem based in science (though as a non-scientist I could be SO offbase) that it would be preventing

I wanted to stay up late but I had an interview this morning so I had to get to bed. Maybe next week…. I hate seeing the articles at work on Wednesdays and not being able to read!

I mean, nobody watches The Leftovers so I think HBO did them a kindness in allowing a third season at all. I'm not certain they would have had only 28 episodes if it had been a ratings success (but I could be wrong!) That said, thank goodness we got this third season.

Remind of the reference to David Burton please?

Well, it is HBO…

True. Though my crazy hypothesis is that the Colonies don't actually exist, and they are just used as the biggest threat the Republic leaders could come up with…

I would assume hands, not arms, but even so… *shudder*

Yeah I really hope so too, though I read somewhere that she wasn't coming back (this season). That would low-key devastate me but we'll see, I suppose.

Sorry, I totally agree with you! I think I meant to say "which could very well *negatively* correlate with kindness" but left out the very important 'negatively'. I was trying to say the more important, the worse they are.

It's unclear how high up you have to be to get a handmaid of your very own, but I seem to remember in one of our first shopping scenes, the other girls talking about how the Commander was important so he should get some of … whatever fruit was featured. Oranges? I've always taken that to me he is one of the higher ups

The guy who blew himself up definitely said no, he would not kill a baby. Kevin Sr. agreed.

I'm so happy all these reviews are picking up the San Junipero thing. I started freaking out when I saw that bus, and my roommate (who doesn't watch Black Mirror) was like WTF what's going on. I explained it, and she's like "Nobody in the world besides you will get that reference, Andie." So, ha!

Veronica is a very very very close third favorite.

I didn't love the reveal. I really wanted it to be a kid (though I didn't want to lose any of our main cast, I'll admit), but that would have at least been a new thing.