
The last time there were dragons killing the Lannister army, back in the days of yore, it was called The Field of Fire. So this is Field of Fire part two?

I definitely thought it was Dickon - I didn't notice Bronn's long hair when the guy jumped to save Jaime - so I am hoping that as well.

I think the theory is that the dragons need to be ridden to be controllable. We, or at least Dany, hasn't yet identified two other people who can ride the other dragons.

I have no idea how long ago that was in show time, but the dragon is probably stronger a season and a half later. I'm not sure what hurt Drogon in Meereen would hurt him now.

Thank you!

I thought they were explicit in telling us that Howland was fighting with young Ned in Bran's flashbacks last year but maybe that was just me superimposing book knowledge onto the show.

I suppose that's possible, though I'm not certain Olenna has anyone left in KL to alert her of who attended Cersei's meetings…

Yeah I feel like it's either gonna be in Sam's massive pile or scrolls OR in that big ole brain Bran has now…


So not worth it. What would be worth it is a scene or two of Arya teaching Sansa how to kill Littlefinger, though…

Yeah she is basically at "Daddy I want an oompa loompa NOW" levels of petulant.

I'm not certain that's the last we've seen of Meera. It *probably* is, but given the role Howland Reed is supposed to play in the books, I wouldn't be too surprised if we follow her home, at least briefly, to meet him.

Hi Myles! Love your recap but you don't really address Malcolm's question here - while we know that Jon is the way to continue the Targaryen dynasty (at least assuming that you don't become unable to reproduce after dying), Dany doesn't know that! So I don't think she has a plan for continuing her dynasty. Unless she

From what we heard from Jaime to Olenna, they didn't sacrifice Casterly Rock. They temporarily gave it up - they took most of the food away to make it impossible for Dany's army to stay there, meaning they would have to abandon sooner rather than later (which was suggested in this very episode, I believe, by Tyrion!)

House Tarly is like the number two family in the Reach, sworn to protect House Tyrell. When they turned they took a vasy majority of the Highgarden forces with them. So I really think Highgarden didn't have that many of its own armies there to protect it. Like when the northern houses turned on House Stark.

Same! I have never liked her and I don't understand why people do! I just see 'dictator in training who *thinks* she's one of the good guys'

It would be HILARIOUS if they had a convo later in the season of Jon and Davos discussing how shocked they were that they pulled off the cave drawing so quickly.

I agree that it's just too fast! In season six he was a normal kid and now he's an emotionless robot thingie. I have no problem with the emotion but this shouldn't happen so very quickly! I guess the more and more he knew the less and less attached he got, but I wish there had been time to show that.

Same! I was freaking out so hardcore that entire scene, hand over mouth screaming hyperventilating type of deal. (I should get less attached to TV). I was pretty sure Bronn was going to die and was trying to make myself okay with Jaime's death, but oh god.

I'm certain this was said below but it is not at all unrealistic that the Dothraki army met the Lannister army in Kings Landing. Tyrion said in season 2 that Dragonstone was five days by sea, four if the wind was good. Meanwhile Highgarden is on the western coast of Westeros and KL is on the eastern coast, and HG is