
Ha, even Cliff was like "Come on, they're *just* third cousins!"

#IWasBornAlone #I'llDieAlone #I'llSingAlone pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

Ha I just commented on that above. It makes no sense!!! I guess he was desperate, but….

Okay, here is what I am confused by - we're to presume, at least for this week, that Jason was killed because he was going to reveal that his parents' maple syrup business was actually a drug front.

I watched the pilot and Betty was my number one forever and Cheryl keeps creeping up on her… it's very annoying…

This post contains slight spoilers for very old Veronica Mars and even very older Twin Peaks —

The purpose of Dilton firing the gun was to have Archie *think* he was at the scene of the murder, once it was revealed it was death by gun shot and not drowning. That got him to talk to the police, which, IIRC, eventually led the charge to get Grundy out of town.

I didn't want it to be Barry so last night I was like "clearly it must be Cisco! Who … somehow … develops speed powers … and gets rid of his vibe powers … but he was there AND he's not future Barry!"

My brain immediately went to Inception (though I highly doubt that's what the show was going for…) I'm like "so is it real or isn't it???"

I didn't know (haven't read), but I knew. My brain was like "thats not Rory thats not Rory thats not Rory." (Hopefully more episodes of this show will get me to stop thinking of her as Rory…)

I'm in California, so at 8pm my time, I googled "Flash" knowing that something like "Savitar's identity revealed" would pop up in my search if Savitar's identity, you know, had been revealed. Oh well!

This was milked way longer than normal. IIRC, we found out who Zoom was, and also that Wells was actually Eobard Thawne, right before the April break.

That was my first thought was Caitlin immediately deferred to Savitar. That'd be a cool twist.

I for sure thought he was lying. Even in this crazy world, I would better handle "I have an almost suicide ritual that I stop myself from" rather than "I kill myself every day and come back to life." It's at least a rational assumption for Kevin to make…

I think we're meant to believe the scene was taking place in present day, but it wasn't, and the Book has gone global and people believe that Kevin dies and reincarnates, but always as a police chief named Kevin. That doesn't explain Kevin Senior not having aged, though, so what do I know.

I thought it was supposed to be the Australian parallel to the dog shooting in season 1. But what do I know, I barely remember season 1.

A month later, sure, but I was behind - Fen was singing both Cosette and Eponine parts. I assume it's because she has a better voice than Margo. They didn't really strictly assign characters. Eliot was doing Valjean and Marius, for example.

Is season one supposed to cover the whole book?

Ha, episode 3 was the episode that made my roommate quit the show, whereas it was the one that got me for the long haul. Very divisive, I suppose!

Ha, I'm on the West Coast! I tivo the East Coast feed though so I can watch it a couple hours earlier. Good to know there's a director's cut, though, I'll watch that next week.