
Does anyone recall what the future news said about Music Meister? Did this episode change that at all?

Eli Stone is my favorite thing of all time! Especially its connection to Flashverse - there, Tom Cavanaugh played the father of Matt Letscher's (aka Reverse Flash) character in flashback and visions. So when it was revealed that season 1 Wells was actually Letscher, I just about died laughing and my roommate thought I

Agreed. I'm hoping that Barry not getting stuck in the Speed Force will have some consequences - my theory is that Jay letting himself get stuck in the Speed Force will someone turn him evil, and not just evil, but turn him into Savitar. So it's not that future Barry later traps Savitar into the Speed Force, but then

Yes. Five songs and only two were original? And only two of them had dancing numbers? Not enough. We need yearly musicals now.

Great episode, but not as great as I had built up in my head. Probably because I thought we were promised more than two original songs, but, alas. Still delightful, though. I wish Jeremy Jordan and Darren Criss had gotten to sing more, though! I was expecting a bit of a Music Meister verse before he left, sort of in

Embarrassingly I was won over by his jerky songwriter character on Smash, but ONLY because "Broadway Here I've Come" might be my favorite song of all time, and he sang it in his first episode…

If I hadn't known that song was going to be written by Rachel Bloom, I absolutely would have realized it just from listening. The verbal cheeky asides in the middle of the song screamed CXG to me. And the internal rhymes were so delightful.

One nitpick - while I understand that Hank can be a nickname for Henry, the review refers to Nate's grandfather as Hank six times. Nate's grandfather was referred to as Henry the entire episode. Nate's father, the kid in 1970, was Hank.

I read it as "do not turn" but your thing makes more sense.

I love him, but isn't Hiram supposed to be roughly the same age as Hermione?

Are we sure the card didn't say Best Actress in tiny letters at the bottom? Because the card that Horowitz held up definitely definitely said Best Picture under Moonlight.

Theoretically, one of them could have been advanced or held back a year. But I doubt it. I assume Cheryl, Jason, and Polly are all a year above Archie and the gang.

Archie's not 17, though. At best he's 16 (early in sophomore year) but it's equally likely he's supposed to be 15. All the more goodness they can get out of those high school leaders …

My guess is that Jellybean is dead, maybe as a result of Dad's negligence, and that's what drove Jughead out of the house. Who knows, though, that just seems devastatingly soapy to me.

Well Eleanor did say they had to go back….

Season two wouldn't premiere for about eight months, so I'm of the opinion that if you haven't finished season 1 by then, you should expect to be spoiled. So I'm not too worried about how they'll promote season 2.

Well, he's supposedly a sophomore (which is *hilarious* IMO) so he's not 18 unless he was held back for a number of years. He's probably supposed to be just-turned-16, if I had to guess.

This was the shortest review ever! At least I was reading it to supplement my viewing and not to catch up on an episode I missed. No mention of Penny's cursed hands, or in my opinion, the best use of 90s trivia I've ever seen on television???

Don't move to England!!!

And the save the date had the date as "10 Minutes"! My fave.