
The 16 years/nearly 30 episodes joke might be the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. This show makes me laugh out loud, so often, I love it so much.

Robots gaining consciousness of their reality, though, which I like. It's interesting to me that, say, Teddy or Hector isn't given any of this narrative growth like Dolores and Maeve are.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Ford's new storyline is going into Westworld itself. If you look at the Westworld map on the Discover Westworld website, you'll see the Agave Plantation is disappearing while something else is being built there.

We very very clearly didn't see the name in the bottom right corner on the Bernard prototype drawing, like we did with the Dolores name drawing. Can we assume it says Arnold?

Theory - it was the "violent delights" phase that altered her stats initially, rather than a specific employee making changes. Dolores probably has altered stats as well, would be my guess.

I don't know, I find it sort of hilarious that Lucy remembers absolutely every detail about history! "Oh yes this random house at the Alamo is connected to an aqueduct!" "Ahh, this house in Nazi Germany has a secret passageway!" Sort of like how on Outlander Claire knows the medicinal properties of *literally* every

Please tell me you wrote that from memory and didn't copy paste.

I read the description "Alias meets Wishbone" and I was like… the Wishbone about the dog? That's a hilarious description but also kind of apt.

The week Superstore and The Good Place premiered, TGP aired 3 episodes while Superstore only aired one. I would see the double-airing of Superstore as a "catch up" rather than anything we need to be worried about.

I agree. I'm shipping Chidi/Fake Eleanor very hard, but I didn't take the fact that Eleanor was crushed when he described a teacher/student relationship to necessarily indicate that she had a romantic interest in him - just that she at least was sure they were close friends, and he wouldn't even acknowledge that.

I was surprised when the show revealed that the Eleanors died at the same minute in the same place in the same accident even. That makes the Jason/Jianyu mixup make even less sense. Because I highly, highly doubt Jianyu was in Jacksonville (or wherever in Florda) when he died, and also their names aren't the same.

And then they'd have to build a whole new set! So I honestly wasn't surprised we haven't seen the Bad Place yet.

Agreed. I honestly consider myself a good person, but certainly not high enough to make it into the Good Place under these rules. I think there should either be a medium place or change the standards on how to get in.

That might've been the highlight of my year.

I laughed for long enough I had to pause and rewind after the Seinfeld yada yada yada thing. Hilarious stuff.

Was Thursday night NBC TV preempted back in NBC's heyday? The Friends/Seinfeld era? I wonder. Oh well. So sad though.

I'll be out of country for a full week later this month, and out of state Christmas week. I would absolutely find time to keep watching this show! So sad about the hiatus.

How did Stubhub screw Cleveland fans?

I love Lost too and loved the flash-sideways for the emotional consequences, even though it made little sense narratively. Though Lost has indeed trained me to think as complicatedly as possible (hence buying into some form of multiple timelines) even though it's probably not the case.

So do you think the conversations Dolores happens with Ford and Bernard are VR/dreams, and not happening in actual reality? That's the only way it could jive in a single timeline theory, as William would have noticed if Dolores was taken away from his company for a chat with the head of the park.