
Oh goodness we're more than halfway done? I can't live without this show. Holding out for a back nine pickup!

My speculation is that every person in the Good Place gets their soul mate, regardless of whether the soul mate deserves to be there or not. So Eleanor really is Chidi's soulmate, so she was allowed in along for the ride. Same with Jason. But we'll see!

I really liked this show! I'm a sucker for alternate timelines so I *loved* the reveal at the end where Lucy's sister never existed but her mom is fine. Is anyone else thinking that Wyatt's wife wouldn't have died here?

Crying that AV Club is not giving this show regular coverage.

Yeah, I really don't think the story that Eleanor got told was the right one. I think the other Eleanor (who likes clowns) died that way, and our Eleanor did something heroic that put her over the edge so she actually belongs in the Good Place. Are we capitalizing Good Place, by the way?

What am I missing? Why is Eliot in prison? Do we know?

Ugh, I'm going to have to pay for a second DVR. Well maybe I can cancel Hulu now that I hate it so much with the weird Watchlist redesign. And get it back for a week in a year and binge Mindy. Or something.


My answer is to close the possibility that Sansa would be able to rally Riverland troops to her cause. I think that'll be significant in the next episode.

Well Theon and Yara got all the way from the Iron Islands to Volantis in the span of two episodes (and they had to go all the way around Dorne!) so perhaps he could fly there!

They've brought up Robb a bunch of times, too. Think he's going to pop up in the story? A dead person can be significant to characters - especially when those characters are related to said dead person and have scenes set in her childhood home - without it signifying more.

Knowing Margaery, if Tommen were to die I think she'd claim she was pregnant and then get pregnant by a blonde person as quickly as possible so she could stay in power.

Oh really? That chicken line was the biggest laugh I've had in weeks.

That was so fun! I spent the whole scene thinking "this is such a waste of time, storywise, but I'm so delighted they included it."

I don't really agree with this recap, especially in the scenes at the Riverlands. I thought the scene was lovely in finally giving Jaime a win - I was like "yes! He finally accomplished something as he was supposed to!" while showing that still, Edmure is an idiot (I actually wouldn't be at all surprised if Jaime made

Yeah, I just use my lunch money on Fridays :D

I'm 26. Last year I saw 30 movies in theaters. I'm on track for the same amount this year.

Were they in Volantis? It looked like Essos, but my friends thought Yara saying they weren't going to be on land for a long time meant they were still in Westeros. I disagree with my friends, but I wish they had made that clearer.

Well, my dad texted me being like "Wait, *is* that the Hound?" so there are people who have no idea what's going on.

Oh, I agree I can see how the pieces would fall into place, but I'd really be surprised if it happened by season's end. Wouldn't be surprised if it had next season, though, unless things change in the season finale that would make Cleganebowl a total waste of time. Ugh, I don't know! I liked it better when we had the