
I can't decide if I liked this episode. I liked the part at Bear Island, I liked the Jaime bits, and it was nice to see the Hound again, but that storyline was rather crushing. I don't see how he could go from there to Cleganebowl in the span of 2-3 episodes (and I'm hoping not, because I'm not ready to lose Cersei

I'm so there with you. I feel like Davos was able to appeal to Lyanna by thinking of how he would talk to Shireen.

I'm honestly just looking for Gendry.

I loved this episode. I definitely didn't love the season, but I thought this tied it all nicely together. And there was so many moments I loved! I sort of expected Lexa would be back tonight Jason had said that they were able to get her for 7 but she was only in 6, but I wasn't positive, so that was happy. And so

The look of the City of Light actually made perfect sense to me. It was the world as ALIE knew it, the world she decided to save when she set off the bombs. Like, that's twisted, sure, but ALIE was twisted, so it worked for me.

I thought he said "your Father would kill me?" Not "Father would kill me." I watched that scene twice, and the 'your' really struck me.

Was the 'secret' Tommen told Cersei not that Margaery was to have her own walk of shame? That's what I certainly assumed.

Completely and utterly devastated. Tower of Terror is my favorite ride, and sure, the Florida one is better, but I live 50 mi from Disneyland, and thus, very, very far from Disney World.

My biggest pet peeve of the episode was honestly - am I really supposed to believe the entire timeline of The 100 took place over five and a half months? That, honestly, is stretching the truth for me.

I'm really late to this, but the music in the dancing scene was incredibly reminiscent of the Haunted Mansion theme. So I'm sure that helped with the connection!

I'm very late to respond but I think last week they were talking about Truman about to be the president, aka because Roosevelt was very sick. Not that he actually was, yet.

I'm wondering if Alison doesn't know how to swim, or if that's just something she said.

I'm guessing Gabriel drowned, perhaps? I feel like his death has something to do with one of the parents' negligence, in some way, and that explains why they might need help. I would love a column that pointed out all the differences! I picked up on a lot of them, but there are some I missed (like the price of jam).

If Fitz was hallucinating Simmons the whole time, but she's the one who is thinking of what he needs to do and filling in words for him, doesn't that mean he is better in a sense? Like he's at full capacity, other than the fact he needs the hallucination to help him out, but his hallucination comes from his mind, so…

Please tell me they aren't going to turn Trystane into Quentyn. That would just make me sad.