Barry White

You know the best part of WWE actually treating Smackdown like the care about it again? The possibility of two back to back post-big PPV quality shows. Here's hoping for a couple big NXT debuts by week's end!

I don't pay attention to O'Reilly at all. Completely checked out on him after I first saw him when ROH was still on HDNet and he was just flat out copying Danielson move for move. Hopefully he's gotten better, but he was just such a crappy carbon copy of Dragon that I completely tuned out on him.

Okay, I've always figured there was some safety concern behind WWE never letting Cesaro do his UFO move in WWE, but if AJ is allowed to do his 450 to the outside–a move I never thought I'd get to see out in WWE–then I don't know what to think. I have been dying to see Cesaro bust that move out on TV, but it looks like

Anybody else notice that Sgt. Slaughter's name keeps appearing during Rollins' entrance on the narrow tron above the main tron (what do you call this… a banner tron?) just before the lights cut and he comes to the stage?

Goldberg sucked in his "prime" and I'm sure he'll suck far, far worse now. Hey! Does anybody remember that time when Goldberg's mythical streak somehow jumped up by 15-20 wins between Thunder and Nitro one week? I sure do. Probably wasn't the only time.

I got that, but it still reeks. Letting the #1 contender to the US title beat the world (er… Universal) champ just before his first PPV title defense is just grinding my rind.

I was rolling my eyes so hard it hurt when they actually let Roman beat KO clean in that cag match. Like him or not, that seemed like a pretty big bonehead move.

What's really silly is that TJP was there, he was interviewed backstage on the pre-show.

I am _so_ happy that Tozawa is staying around.

Luckily, Atlanta never seems to get any of these half-assed holiday episodes. I always make sure to go whenever they're in town, but you couldn't pay me to go see a holiday Raw or Smackdown live.

Seth Rollins versus an over the hill dinosaur? Yeah, that'll put a lot of butts in seats.

Only an hour? Shit, I usually let Raw finish before I bother to switch over from whatever game I'm playing (Wasteland 2 ATM 8D).

Hopefully the sign makes it past entry inspection. I'll also be bringing a series of "Sasha is better than ___" signs. One sign will be "better than you" in case of promos/entrances. One will be "better than this" in case of dumb comedy segments or if she's booked in a bullshit match. And so on…

I'm stealing this comment and making a sign of it to bring to Survivor Series with me in November. I'll be 5th row behind commentary

Dirty cheap shot at Sin Cara there, Fowle. Hunico is nothing like the original Cara was botchwise.

But how would you manage a 30-minute promo without the story creator feature?

I watched the Naked Gun movies at a no doubt inappropriate age and have loved them, and pretty much anything with Leslie Nielson ever since. My most used line from the files of Police Squad is probably from 2 1/2: " I'm sure that we can handle this situation maturely, just like the responsible adults that we are.

Some interaction between Coach, Saxton and Truth could be funny, since Truth always mistakes Saxton for Coach.

Um, I'll be back in a couple minutes…

I was there for their debut and it was amazeballs. I had been very quiet all night, but when it became obvious that Steph was about to introduce the best women WWE has had since Victoria and all left, I jumped out of my seat and started screaming/trying to start chants for Sasha. Her song is right on the money — Sky's