Barry White

There is actually a restaurant by the mall out here called Twin Peaks. I have yet to visit the place, so I don't know what kind of food they serve, but a friend claims the place is similar to Hooters

Sasha does her own song!? That's awesome, if true - I love her theme.

Not too gaga about any of them, Jack.

Isn't Naomi's song one of the songs she performs?

Hey, hey, hey there with the racialism, Borat. The only problem with being there live was the overexcited kid next to me who, despite there being an open seat between us, decided he wanted that seat and spent the rest of the night elbowing me and almost spilling his ketchup slathered hot dog on me. Seriously, I have

Just got back from Raw a while ago, so I haven't watched the show on DVR yet, but tonight's show was fun and I'm sure you can hear me screaming for Sasha as soon as Steph came out. I tried so hard to get a Cesaro chant going, but the rednecks and white trash around me weren't having it; Luckily, by the time he was

At least somebody uploaded that video, I was really wanting to see that after reading about it on the sheets. Thanks for the link.

If there's ever been anyone who truly deserves to be put over clean by Cena, it's Cesaro. Love that guy. I just wish WWE would at least let him bust out the UFO once in WWE. People already love the swing, but they'do go apeshit for a UFO. Prettiest move from a wrestler in the last decade or so imo.

Cesaro is a damn sexy man, though I have o say that because we look alike.

Oh, man! I've always wanted to do this…

Kevin Owens is a true, dastardly villian. The thunderous applause that erupted from my hands when his music hit frightened my dogs something fierce.

WWE are the masters of superliminal advertising.

Blackman would fit right in with the Party Posse.