Barry White

He was also one of the Fitzpatrick gang members on Veronica Mars.

Those hands of Dougie's are clearly dangerous weapons, just ask Ike. Austin Powers would be envious of those judo chops.

Kyle McLachlan even retweeted the segment!

On the pervert front: I'm pretty sad they started making Lana wear shorts under her ring gear last week :-(

Fashion Peaks was great! I love Twin Peaks (just finished reading "The Secret History Of Twin Peaks" and the listening to the audiobook), so that was a wonderful and unexpected treat. If they continue with the Fashion Peaks next week, hopefully they introduce an evil, uggo DoppleDango.

No more wrestling coverage, huh? Guess I can delete this site from my bookmarks.

It clearly has to be Too Cool, two of the biggest fashion felons in WWE history.

Cena yelling about America neeeever gets boring. Never. I feel bad for Handsome Rusev having to be the fall guy in this crap.

It's sad to say, but the only episode of 205 Live that I've seen in the last 2-3 months was the one I saw live when I went to Smackdown in May. Some great talent on there being wasted with tissue paper thin storylines and repetitive, meaningless and random tag pairings.

Never mind.

I'll fade away and classify myself as obsolete.

Brock Lesnar's drops of sweat are bigger than Chris Mast… er, Adonis' biceps!

Yeah, that style of sunglasses doesn't look good on everybody, but Aiden pulls it of quite well.

Has Skinsuke ever been in a ladder match? It looked like he was a tad uncomfortable up there at the end of the show.

I dunno, the bear going for a bear hug gave me a good laugh.

Having Nakamura in peril for so long was kinda odd, I was expecting him to be the hot tag all night.

I seem to remember hearing somewhere that he has, might have been from David himself. He was supposedly a set of legs in the toilet stall next to Jimmy in a first or second season episode.

I, too, was hoping for either a Taker & Teddy/Phantasm moment. Any way for Braun to somehow carjack the second ambulance, drive it off a bridge, steal a guitar from a bum and then proceed to lay down some tasty metal licks as he stands over the burning corpse of Roman.

I've only seen that show in bits and pieces as I tune into USA for Smackdown or Raw, but damn that Savanah girl makes me scared to drive in Atlanta. Even with my limited knowledge of what happens on CKB, I know that girl has wrecked at least three cars in the time the show has been on the air, so the Georgia streets

Seems like the logical choice would have been for Fashion Deputy Dango to be the one wearing the shorts… Reno 911 and all.